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Updated: August 29, 2024

"If you are so indifferent to your advantages then all I can say is, so am I! You are, perhaps, known on the Continent, Herr Machtenklinken, but not here and I think you ought to be more grateful for my influence." So saying, she passed on, leaving the luckless pianist in a state of the greatest indignation. "Gott in Himmel!" he gasped, in a sort of infuriated sotto voce.

"Not like his gay sister, eh?" continued his eager informant. "Well, she's coming to-night with a junior named Peter Himmel." Gordon was to meet Jewel Hudson at eight o'clock he had promised to have some money for her. Several times he glanced nervously at his wrist watch. At four, to his relief, Dean rose and announced that he was going over to Rivers Brothers to buy some collars and ties.

"Und so ist der blaue Himmel grösser als jedes Gewolk darin, und dauerhafter dazu." Jackanapes' death was sad news for the Goose Green, a sorrow justly qualified by honorable pride in his gallantry and devotion. Only the Cobbler dissented, but that was his way. He said he saw nothing in it but foolhardiness and vainglory.

The first is an Albumblatt of curious dun colors; the second is a Capriccietto, a strange whim; the third is a beautiful bit called "May Blossom." Gesegnet ist die Stunde, sprach sie mit süssem Munde, mir ist kein Leid geschehn den Himmel fühl' ich stehn in meines Herzens Grunde.

But what do you want here?" "I must request you to dress and come along with me directly to the Stadt House," replied the officer, very civilly. "Gott in himmel! what's the matter?" "It's on a charge of treasonable practices, madam." "Oh, ho! I see: Mr Vanslyperken. Very well, good sir; I'll put on my clothes directly.

Tholuck, who was walking with me in the fields near Halle when relating the anecdote, added, upon concluding, "I do not pretend to account for the phenomenon; no knowledge, scientific or metaphysical, in my possession, is adequate to explain it; but I have no more doubt it actually, positively, literally did occur, than I have of the existence of the sun im Himmel da."

"I will accept the offer on one condition that I can have a week in London before beginning work." With an oath Savaroff started up from the window-sill. "Gott in Himmel! and who are you to make terms?" he exclaimed roughly. "Why, we have only to send you back to the prison and you will be flogged like a dog!" "In which distressing event," I observed, "you would not get your explosive."

Chunks of fat, stewed apples, Kartoffel salad all mixed up in one plate, as in a dustbin." "Don't! You make my gorge rise. Ach Himmel! to think that this nation should be musical! O Music, heavenly maid, how much garlic I have endured for thy sake!" "Ha! ha! ha!" laughed Peter, putting down his whisky that he might throw himself freely back in the easy-chair and roar.

"Gott in himmel, major," exclaimed the disappointed captain, "I pelieve it's better you shoots that man purty quick we all gets ketched again;" and as he said this the captain, who, although a very brave man on the field of battle, was very much opposed to fighting an invisible enemy, drew himself behind a tree, as if fully expecting to see a whole army of rebels rush out of their concealments upon them.

Poverty may not be a crime, but it seems to make people awful bores. Wonder if it'll have that effect on me? Ach Himmel! how that woman bores me. No, there's no denying it there's my pouch, old man I hate the poor; their virtues are only a shade more vulgar than their vices.

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