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This time his smile was grim. "I ought to know that better than you. I'll give you two hours to decide. Meet you at James's office then. There are some things we want to talk over alone, but I think Miss Harriman had better be there ready to join us when we send for her." "Going through with this, are you?" "I'm goin' through in spite of hell and high water."

HARRIMAN, EDWARD HENRY. Born at Hempstead, Long Island; entered Wall Street as clerk at age of fourteen; entered New York Stock Exchange eight years later; was president and chairman of the board of directors of the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, Southern Pacific, Texas & New Orleans, and many other great railway systems; died near New York City, September 9, 1909.

The price of the sea-otter varied, falling in seasons when the market was glutted to $40 a pelt, selling as high, in cases of rare beauty, as $1000 a pelt. See John Burroughs's account of birds observed during the Harriman Expedition. Elliott and Stejenger have remarked on the same phenomenon.

With you an' Rose McLean an' Cole Sanborn an' I all followin' the fellow's trail, he can't double an' twist enough to make a getaway. We'll ride him down sure." "Maybe we will and maybe we won't," the oil broker replied. "I'd give odds that he goes scot free." "Then you'd lose," Kirby answered, smiling easily. Miss Phyllis Harriman had breakfasted earlier than usual.

The Federal Commission on Industrial Relations has brought to light some startling facts in this phase of our social life, as in many others. I can refer to the evidence of but one witness. She speaks for many thousands. This is as it is quoted in the daily press. Picture for the moment the drama staged at Dallas. Mrs. I. Borden Harriman of New York is presiding over the commission. Mrs.

The Central of Georgia lines connect at several points with the Illinois Central and have given the system various outlets on the South Atlantic seaboard. Harriman died in September of 1909, and with his death the wizard touch was clearly gone. What would have been the later history of the Union Pacific had he lived can be only conjectured.

Harriman consequently began to buy up Northern Pacific stock in the open market and thus, together with the efforts of the Hill and Morgan people to retain and strengthen their control, brought about the corner. The Northern Securities Company was designed to harmonize all interests and to keep the control of the Burlington property jointly in the hands of Harriman and Hill.

I went to Mr. Harriman, the grocer. You know we trade there. And I know that he can use a boy just as well as not. So I told him about Gummy " "Did you tell Harriman his name?" chuckled her father. "I said he was 'G. Carringford," Janice replied, her eyes twinkling. "But you needn't laugh. Mr. Harriman did." "Did what?"

Thomas H. Carter, its President; in behalf of the United States Senate by Senator Henry E. Burnham; in behalf of the House of Representatives by Hon. James A. Tawney. New York State was especially honored in the selection of the president of her commission to speak in behalf of the domestic exhibitors. Hon. Edward H. Harriman was then introduced by President Francis.

Miss Harriman, as she still called herself in public, was there with Jack and her husband. James was ice-cold. He bowed very slightly to Rose. Chairs were already placed. For a moment Kirby was embarrassed. He drew James aside. Cunningham murmured an exchange of sentences with his wife, then escorted her to the door. Rose was left with the three cousins.