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The boat leaving Grouville Bay was a yacht carrying twelve swivel-guns, bringing Admiralty despatches to the Channel Islands. The boat leaving St. Heliers harbour was a new yawl-rigged craft owned by Jean Touzel. It was the fruit of ten years' labour, and he called her the Hardi Biaou, which, in plain English, means "very beautiful." This was the third time she had sailed under Jean's hand.

The account given by the bishop of Killala who was kept prisoner while that town was occupied by the French, will be found to be extremely well worth reading. The last scene of the drama brings Wolfe Tone appropriately back upon the gloomy stage. When General Humbert sailed for Killala a much larger French force under General Hardi had remained behind at Brest.

As the Hardi Biaou drew near the lofty, inviolate cliffs, there opened up sombre clefts and caverns, honeycombing the island at all points of the compass. She slipped past rugged pinnacles, like buttresses to the island, here trailed with vines, valanced with shrubs of unnameable beauty, and yonder shrivelled and bare like the skin of an elephant.

D'un esprit plus hardi, d'un pas plus assure, Il porta le flambeau dans l'abeme de l'otre; Et l'homme avec lui seul apprit a se connoetre. L'art quelquefois frivole, et quelquefois divine, L'art des vers est dans Pope utile au genre humain." This is not a wise account of Pope, for it does not abstract the characteristic feature of his power; but it is a very kind one.

There was one boat, however, which putting out into the Bay did not bear towards William's Horse, but, catching the easterly breeze, bore away westward towards the point of Plemont. Upon the stern of the boat was painted in bright colours, Hardi Biaou. "We'll be there soon after sunset," said the grizzled helmsman, Jean Touzel, as he glanced from the full sail to the setting sun.

Truth is one; the book which exposes it is an imposing and durable monument: Il brave les tyrans avides, Plus hardi que les Pyramides Et plus durable que l'airain. Error is manifold, and of ephemeral duration; the work which combats it does not carry within itself a principle of greatness or of endurance.

So busy was Guida with her own thoughts that she scarcely noticed they had changed their course, and were skirting the coast westerly, whereby to reach Havre Gosselin on the other side of the island. There on the shore above lay the seigneurie, the destination of the Hardi Biaou.

People came to see the window, and there, ba su, the bars were gone! But that did not prove the case, and the mystery was deepened by the fact that Jean Touzel, whose head was too small for Elie's hat, could not get that same head through the dungeon window. Having proved so much, Jean left the mystery there, and returned to his Hardi Biaou.

A little to one side, with the light full on the face, the witness was seated, bearing the scrutiny of three pairs of eyes the Judge first, and behind him, those of the Chief Detective and the Commissary of Police. "I trust, madame, that you are equal to answering a few questions?" began M. le Hardi, blandly. "Oh, yes, I hope so. Indeed, I have no choice," replied the Countess, bravely resigned.

He had gone to the house of Jean Touzel, through whose Hardi Biaou the disaster had come, and had told Mattresse Aimable that she must go to Plemont in his stead for a fool must keep his faith whate'er the worldly wise may do. So the fat Femme de Ballast, puffing with every step, trudged across the island to Plemont, and installed herself as keeper of the house.