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Updated: August 9, 2024

Yeste'd'y some of 'em taken a boyish notion to put some maasks on an' ride through Leggettstown in 'slo-ow p'ocession, with a sawt o' banneh marked, 'SEE YOU AGAIN TO-NIGHT. They had guns mo' f'om fo'ce o' habit, I reckon, than anything else you know how ow young men ah, seh one of 'em carry a gun a yeah, an' nevah so much as hahm a floweh, you know.

They sais, 'No no g'wan, tek him out a' yeh he ain' b'long in this place, that man ain'. So we walk an' walk an' ultimately he sais, 'If Ah'm go'n' a' git mah eight houahs sleep this naght, Ah mus' begin sometime, why not now? So th' Cunnel lay raght down on th' thu'faih an' Ah set mahse'f down beside him twell he wake up in th' mawnin', not knowin' what hahm maght come to him.

Virginia asked with shining eyes. "Becuz of what Doctoh Horace lef for me to tell you. It cain't do no hahm to tell hit thus fah." Bo Peep hesitated, and Virginia looked curiously at him. "Doctor Horace won't never come back. I tol' you that sufficiency times.

There's too much sand and too little rock." "Should they have a rock bottom?" the manufacturer queried. "Rock am de bes', suah," the owner of the ground put in, "but a li'l bit o' san' don' do no hahm. It shows dat de wateh am runnin'." "Yes," said the boy, "the boatman is right there, Mr. Murren, sponges must be in a current after they have once taken hold.

Jack obeyed by stepping into the next room, though he kept watch over the dogs out of the corners of his eyes. "Now, yo' lie right down on de flo', Marse Benson," commanded the master of the situation. "Ah's gotter tie yo' up, befo' Ah can staht yo' back ter 'Napolis, but dere ain' no hahm gwine come ter yo'."

Some of de boys wuz wanderin roun tryin to git out and couldn' so ah said: "Dar de seben star yo all jes wait and let me fine de way out and dey say all right," "We gwina trus yo to fine out a way out." When ah wuz a boy ah use to drink a little whiskey. Finally ah said that would be mah ruin. Aftah ah got oldah ah jess decided ah'd quit. Ah nevah did do no hahm tho.

"But he couldn't p'ocure a sufficient concawdence o' my fellow-citizens; much less o' they wives naw evm o' mine! No, seh! They brought in they verdic' that jess at this junction it'd be cal'lated to ungendeh strife an' could on'y do hahm." He giggled again. "My politics save me, seh! They always will. An' they ought to; faw they as pyo as the crystial fountain."

You're a good reader, as good as I want to hear, and while you may say that you don't put in a great deal of elocution, I guess you can read full well enough. All he wants is just something to keep him occupied, and all she wants is a chance to occupy herself with otha folks. Well, she is moa their own age. I d'know as the's any hahm in her.

Dat ain' gwine do me no hahm now, 'caze mah onlies' toof's done drapped out." "Then I'll get Miss Liz after you!" "Lawd, Marse Brent," the old fellow grew serious, "you knows she ain' turr'ble no moh! She's jest as meller as dem peaches, an' only las' week give me a dollar 'caze I hadn' cyarried de Cunnel but one julep dat day!" "Is the Colonel getting up?" "Naw, sah, he ain' budged.

You're a good reader, as good as I want to hear, and while you may say that you don't put in a great deal of elocution, I guess you can read full well enough. All he wants is just something to keep him occupied, and all she wants is a chance to occupy herself with otha folks. Well, she is moa their own age. I d'know as the's any hahm in her.

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