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He say, 'Eleazar, you live here, all right. When winter come I go back in the heel, trap ze fur-r, Madame, ze cat, ze h'ottaire, ze meenk, sometime ze coon, also ze skonk. Pret' soon I'll go h'out for trap now, Mademoiselle." "How long have you been here, Eleazar?" she asked. "Many year, Mademoiselle. In these co'ntree perhaps twent' thirt' year, I'll don' know."

"H'out yer goes, and damn yer impudence!" I looked round, but their faces were all dead against me. "H'out yer goes!" repeated the landlord. "And think yerself lucky it aint worse," added the drover. With no further defence I slunk out into the night once more.

He clashed his white teeth, he rolled his eyes fearfully, and twisted his black features into the wildest expressions of ferocity, crying: "H'Allan will best them for that! Let 'im tear h'out their 'earts by his fingers. So!" He made an eloquent gesture. "Blood! Blood!" "Not so loud. A little pianissimo on the blood," smiled Kirk.

Many a day passed, however, before he mustered up courage to mount the steps and touch the button. "Yes, sir," said the servant, "the family is returned, but they is h'out." Philip left his card. But nothing came of it, and he did not try again. In fact, he was a little depressed as the days went by.

Died o' I must have it all pat on the tongue. What did he die of, Brand? You're an artful little feller, settin' there so smug and secret like a hen crocodile a-hatchin' h'out h'its h'egg." "Lung-trouble's best, sir," replied the little jockey gravely. "I reck'n you can't go far with lung-trouble. See, we all dies o' shortness o' breath in the latter end.

It was not long until reindeer sleds, secured from the natives, were drawing quantities of the fuel to a point beneath a cliff, where a crude forge had been made out of granite rock. While this work was going on, the engineer disappeared in the direction of the village. In a half-hour he came tearing back, his face red with rage. "They're h'out!" he sputtered.

"Then there was a rushin and a roarin, and the earth shook, and h'all of a sudden h'out of the whirlwind a great voice ollaed: "'Tally-ho! forrad! mush em up, boys, and no Woody quarter! "'Your prayer is eard, Mr. Piper, says I. 'It's a Jedgement on em. "'My prayer is eard, says pore old Pipea. 'It's the orse-dragoons. "Then his ead loll sideways, and he was h'off again."

Even as she dried her eyes, to her entered presently madame, with her sleeves rolled to the elbow and her face aglow in the noble ardor of housekeeping. "Voila!" she cried. "I have foun' it! I have dig it h'out. Here is the soss-pan of copper. It was throw' away. It was disspise'. Mais oui, but now I shall cook! This house it is ruin'. Such a place I never have seen since I begin.

"The first question that arises h'out of h'our lesson to-day," she began quietly, "is this 'ere 'What price Four-Pound-the-Second? Now think afore you answers, there's good little fellers." It was Jerry who held up his hand. The girl pointed at him. "You there, Jerry me boy." "Depends on who rides him, Mrs. Chukkers," he said. There was a deadly silence.

My son Job and I were prospecting, and we discovered it the richest nugget ever found in Grizzly county. Of course we kept it a secret; didn't want a rush up here," replied Malden. "What a lie!" said Job to himself. "That's the very nugget Mike Hannerry found at the Yellow Jacket! Where on earth did uncle get it?" "Come, Devonshire, let's buy 'er h'up and get h'out of this bloomin' country.