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Neither master nor man made any friends, and in fact rebuffed all advances. One Sunday, Carroll and Orde, out for a walk, passed this quaint little place, with its picket fence. "Let's go in and return Joe's call," suggested Orde. Their knock at the door brought the calm valet. "Mr. Newmark is h'out, sir," said he. "Yes, sir, I'll tell him that you called." They turned away.

"I wuz too old ter go," he said inconsequently; "but me son's out there and won't ever come back." He crossed out the particulars he had written down so laboriously; when that was done, he fumbled his note-book back into his pocket. "If your mate 'ere says that it's h'all right, sir, it's h'all right so far as I'm consarned. Your fust day h'out of the h'Army! Well, well!"

'And if my mind serves me, you have driven her forty times. 'Quite correct, sir, and more, said Gotham. 'The point h'is, Mr. Falkirk, what's to be done when young gents come taking the h'orders h'out of my very 'ands, sir? 'Knock 'em down. 'The first natural h'impulse, sir.

H'are you closely h'intimated with the mistress? I smiled. 'No, I cannot say that, I answered, 'but I hope to be soon. He shook his head doubtfully. 'She's no h'ordinary female. Hi'm no great lover of the weaker sex, but hi'll say this for Miss Helen, h'and I've known her from the time I took her h'out h'on her first pony, she's a deal more sensibility than many h'of h'us men!

Ere's a kid ain't eard where we been. Been!" the sudden thunder in his voice. "Why, in Boulong Arbour among Boney's craft. H'in and h'out, under Nap's nose. Stormed the Arbour Battery; set the gun-vessels afire; and came out under their guns, colours at the truck, and the bosun's boy in the mizzenchains singin O it's a snug little island, A right little tight little island."

Many a day passed, however, before he mustered up courage to mount the steps and touch the button. "Yes, sir," said the servant, "the family is returned, but they is h'out." Philip left his card. But nothing came of it, and he did not try again. In fact, he was a little depressed as the days went by.

As the three stood apart they were joined by the undersized Englishman, who touched his hat to them with a show of great respect. "Young gentlemen," he inquired, "h'I suppose, h'of course, you've 'ad a look h'at the anchor h'of Sir Francis Drake's flagship, the time 'e went h'out h'and sank the great Spanish h'Armada?" "Why, no, my friend," replied Dave, looking at the man with interest.

"Hit seemed six year. The hull white nation's movin'. So. That all?" "Well, go h'ask Keet. He's come h'up South Fork yesterdays. Maybe-so quelq' cho' des nouvelles h'out West. I dunno, me." "Kit Kit Carson, you mean? What's Kit doing here?" "Oui. I dunno, me." He nodded to a door. Bridger pushed past him. In an inner room a party of border men were playing cards at a table.

Tyrrwhit," said the captain, "it is of no use my answering Mr. Hart, because he is angry." "H'angry! By George, I h'am angry! I'd like to pull that h'old sinner's bones h'out of the ground!" "But to you I can say that Mr. Barry will be better able to tell you than I am what can be done by me to defend my property." "Captain Scarborough," said Mr. Tyrrwhit, mildly, "we had your name, you know.

"Minesse," he said with a catch in his voice that strongly resembled a sob, "Minesse, we mus' go hongry sometime. Ah, mon pauvre violon! Ah, mon Dieu, dey put us h'out, an' dey will not have us. Nev' min', we will sing anyhow." And drawing his bow across the strings, he sang in his thin, quavering voice, "Salut demeure, chaste et pure."