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The wretched Grinder made a gasp, and a pause. 'Are you dumb? said the old woman, angrily. 'Lord, Misses Brown, no! You expect a cove to be a flash of lightning. I wish I was the electric fluency, muttered the bewildered Grinder. 'I'd have a shock at somebody, that would settle their business. 'What do you say? asked the old woman, with a grin.

Then incited by Krishna, Bhima took him up sinking. "This must not be so," said Krishna, the grinder of hostile hosts. The Pandavas, O king, saw Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma, troubled and lying on the ground, and also sighing again and again. And seeing the king despondent and feeble, the Pandavas, overwhelmed with grief, sat down, surrounding him.

Then the door was closed and locked, and Jasper Grinder hurried away with the key in his pocket, to make poor Tubbs a prisoner in the stone cell. "Here's a pretty mess, and no mistake," thought Sam, as he sank on a bench, the only article of furniture the room contained. "I'm being treated worse than Tom was treated by old Crabtree when first we came to the Hall.

Garland passed it on to the miller, the miller to the grinder, and the grinder to the grinder's boy, in whose hands it became subdivided into half pages, quarter pages, and irregular triangles, and ended its career as a paper cap, a flagon bung, or a wrapper for his bread and cheese. Notwithstanding his compact with Mrs. Garland, old Mr.

You were her friend long before I was, Polly, said Miss Tox; 'and you're a good creature. Robin! Miss Tox addressed herself to a bullet-headed young man, who appeared to be in but indifferent circumstances, and in depressed spirits, and who was sitting in a remote corner. Rising, he disclosed to view the form and features of the Grinder.

I got almost hysterical over our absurd appearance, and pretended that Miss Lessing was the organ grinder, and I the monkey. But oh! Mate when we got to the hospital all the silliness was knocked out of me. Thousands of mutilated and dying men, literally shot to pieces by the Russian bullets. I can't talk about it! It was too horrible to describe.

This ejaculation seemed a drop of comfort to the miserable Grinder, who shook Mrs Brown by the hand upon it, and implored her with tears in his eyes, to leave a cove and not destroy his prospects. Mrs Brown, with another fond embrace, assented; but in the act of following her daughter, turned back, with her finger stealthily raised, and asked in a hoarse whisper for some money.

Several blocks were covered when Sam, who was looking across the street, uttered a cry of astonishment. "Look!" he exclaimed. "At what?" asked both Tom and Dick. "Over in front of that clothing store. There is Dan Baxter, and Jasper Grinder is with him!" "Sam is right," came from Dick. "They must have struck up some sort of a friendship, or they wouldn't be here together."

"Why, Steve," he said in a pleased tone, "you look as if they were after you. Thought you'd forgotten me. That nurse Bea engaged has a voice like a scissors grinder in action." Briefly Steve told him what had taken place, not mentioning Beatrice's name.

He was smooth shaven when first he went to Shopton, to spy on Mr. Titus, whose movements he had been commanded to follow by Blakeson & Grinder. Then he disappeared after Mr. Titus chased him, only to reappear, in disguise, on board the Bellaconda, as Senor Pinto. Waddington, meanwhile, had grown a beard and this, with his knowledge of theatrical makeup, enabled him to deceive even Mr. Titus.