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After the grappling-hook had been attached to the rope, he dropped it into Big Creek from a large rock under the bridge that leads to town from Lonesome Park. He hooked his big fish at the fourth cast and worked it carefully into the shallow water. Roy waded into the stream and dragged the catch ashore. It proved to be a gunnysack worth twenty thousand dollars. Elder counted the sacks inside.

It is the force of the law in nature, that must be brought into opposition here with the height of the word, the ideal word, the higher, but not yet scientifically abstracted word, that seeks in vain because it has no 'grappling-hook' on the actuality, to bind it.

The Butterfly Man shot him a freighted glance. "Folks in this county will sort of miss the Clarion," he reflected. "After all, it's the one county paper. Seems to me," he mused, "that if I were going in head, neck and crop for the sweet little job of reformer-general, I'd first off get me a grappling-hook on my town's one newspaper. Particularly when grappling-hooks were going cheap."

Gawtrey flung the rope across the street to the opposite parapet; after two or three efforts, the grappling-hook caught firm hold the perilous path was made. "On! quick! loiter not!" whispered Gawtrey; "you are active it seems more dangerous than it is cling with both hands-shut your eyes.

Necessity soon suggested a plan. My "picker" a piece of straight wire with a ring-end hung from one of my breast buttons. This I took hold of, and bent into the shape of a grappling-hook.

'Or all of it! she answered softly, thinking of his kiss. 'How did you get up to the loggia? Have you a ladder? He had none. He had got over the outer wall by means of a rope with a grappling-hook fastened to it, which he had thrown up from the canal.

But he made no noise as he crept along the ledge to the corner, and then cautiously let himself down upon the top of the wall, dropping astride of it then to pull himself along in that position by his hands till he found the grappling-hook of his rope.

He is the sort of adventurer that is brought to light, a week afterward, per medium of a grappling-hook in the hollow of his eye. Perhaps the best plan of all though no hero of romance could do such a thing is to hang on to the horse's tail. Also, never wait for an emergency to make sure that your mount can swim. My landing-place happened to be none of the best.

Afterward when the tour is over he thinks that "some other scheme will open." I think so too. The Becketts will propose it, to keep us with them. They will urge and argue, little dreaming how I drew them, with a grappling-hook resolve to become a barnacle on their ship! To-morrow we move to the Ritz. The Becketts insist.

You don't care about that, but it was all a sort of commercial blackmail on certain fellows and interests to keep them from fighting N.P.C." Barclay hitched himself forward to the edge of his chair, and still held out his grappling-hook of a hand to hold them as he smiled and went on: "Well, I've been kind of swapping horses here for six months or so trading my gilt-edged bonds and stuff for cash and buying up N.P.C. stock.