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"He was complaining a goodish bit all the way up." "A wilful man must have his way," said Miss Cringle, with a shake of her head. "It's no good me saying anything, because directly my back's turned he has his own way again." The mate shook his head despondently. "You'd better get your bedding up and make your arrangements forward," said the new skipper presently.

He'd put by a goodish bit, and so had I, but things have been agen us. He was out of work four months last winter, and mother's legs are a awful drain liniments, and bandages, and what-not. You can't see your own mother suffer, and not pay out. We've got to wait till we save up again." "How much money does it take to furnish a cottage over here, Mury?" "That depends on how it's done.

She managed, however, with the help of her stool, to climb on to the sill, and there, in front of her, was the sea, and down below was the street a goodish drop below if she had stopped to think of it; but Beth dropped first and thought afterwards, only realising the height when she had come down plump, and looked up again to see what had happened to her, surprised at the thud which had jarred her stomach and made her feet sting.

The Boers stormed the position, and the New Zealanders joined in the bayonet charge which drove them back. Our men had a couple killed and one or two wounded. The enemy left a goodish number of dead on the field when they retired, about thirty of whom met their fate at the bayonet's point. The British losses were small.

Help, of course; wasn't she willing to give that, and her rest and comfort, health, even life itself, to wear herself out, hand and foot, for any one of her own family? So poor Aileen made her way up all alone to the old scrub stockyard. We waited there a goodish while, we lying down and our horses hung up not far off for fear we might be 'jumped' by the police at any time.

They were gone a goodish time, which, seeing it's eight miles, didn't so much surprise me; and when they got back we all three had dinner together, Mr. Parable arguing that it made for what he called "labour saving." Afterwards I cleared away, leaving them talking together; and later on they had a walk round the garden, it being a moonlight night, but a bit too cold for my fancy.

"You see this grass is that short and wiry that it's too full of spring to show marks. No, there's naught, anywhere about we've looked a goodish way on both sides." Mallalieu went close to the edge of the quarry and looked down. His sharp, ferrety eyes were searching everywhere for his stick.

We'll make it before morning now, and he will have the cabin warm and hot coffee for us, if you can stand to go on for a goodish long pull." A goodish long pull it surely was, in the darkness, but the women bore up with courage, and their guide led them safely. The horse Amalia rode, being his own horse, knew the way well.

I knowed parson must be a goodish bit in his own in'ards afore he would do that." "I needn't tell you I didn't see you, Old Rogers." "I could tell you that, sir. I hope there's nothing gone main wrong, sir. Miss is well, sir, I hope?" "Quite well, I thank you. No, my dear fellow, nothing's gone main wrong, as you say. Some of my running tackle got jammed a bit, that's all.

Masterman's cabin to account for his extraordinary behaviour in rushing out on deck and jumping overboard in the middle of the night?" "No, sir," answered Polson with much simplicity. "He'd been drinkin' a goodish bit, and there were a half-empty bottle of rum under his piller; but " "A-ah!" ejaculated the skipper with a whole world of emphasis; "that may account for a good deal.