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"A long banter then growed out of the 'boot money. The Elder, asked 7 pounds 10s. Goodish swore he wouldn't give that for him and his hoss together; that if they were both put up to auction that blessed minute, they wouldn't bring it.

We're going to have a little cabin of our own, and I'd be delighted to have you. Is it far from where you live?" "Well, it's what you would call 'a goodish bit' in England," replied Mrs. Ashe, "two thousand miles or so, nearly three days' journey. Amy would be charmed to come, I am sure, but I am afraid the distance will stand in her way.

Miller, to ask me to have you; no other man would have done it after what had happened; and I agreed, even though I did not feel half so warm as I ought. Yet it was entirely owing to my believing him in the grave, as I knew that if he were not he would carry out his promise; and this shows that I was right in trusting him. 'Yes . . . He must be a goodish sort of fellow, said Mr.

Just this, then: 'James Gilverthwaite is laid by for a day or two, and you'll bide quiet in the place you know of till you hear from him. That's all. And how will you get out there, now? it's a goodish way." "I have a bicycle," I answered, and at his question a thought struck me. "How did you intend to get out there yourself, Mr. Gilverthwaite?" I asked. "That far and at that time of night?"

It contained one of those minute toy watches, set very prettily with brilliants. Malcolm lifted his eyelids in some surprise. "It is a perfect beauty," he observed; "but you must have paid a goodish bit for it." "It was certainly rather extravagant of me," returned Mrs. Herrick apologetically; "but you know how girls love pretty things.

That was a very nice hotel, too, and it had honey-suckle on it, round at the side; but Harris did not like the look of a man who was leaning against the front door. He said he didn't look a nice man at all, and he wore ugly boots: so we went on further. We went a goodish way without coming across any more hotels, and then we met a man, and asked him to direct us to a few.

Brash's possible prevision of the chatter she might create. I had my own sense of that this provision had been nil; the question was of her consciousness of the office for which Lady Beldonald had counted on her and for which we were so promptly proceeding to spoil her altogether. "Oh I think she arrived with a goodish notion," Mrs.

Well, they hotted up a goodish bit over that." "Well, I don't see how all this affects you. If they want to scrap, why not let them?" "Yes, but, you see, the most frightful thing has happened. At least, it hasn't happened yet, but it may any day. Bennett's talking about taking legal advice to see if he can't induce Mortimer to cheese it by law as he can't be stopped any other way.

"Say, old man, as you hope to git buried yourself when James gits around ag'in, I guess you best go an' dig that miser'ble cur o' yours under, 'fore he gits pollutin' the air o' this yer valley, same as you are at the moment. He's cost me a goodish scrap, but I don't grudge it him noways. Scrappin's an elegant pastime, sure when you come out right end of it."

"Pretty roughish sometimes, Master Conway." "Oh, yes, pretty rough; but not in a gale, you know. Beside, the Heartsease could stand a goodish gale. She is not very fast, you know, but she is as safe as a house." "She is fast enough," the old fisherman said in an injured tone.