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Fellingham checked his tongue. "How have they settled that dispute about the chiwal-glass?" "Mr. Tinman had to give way." "Really." "But," Crickledon stopped work, "Mr. Tinman sold him a meadow." "I see." "Mr. Smith has been buying a goodish bit of ground here. They tell me he's about purchasing Elba. He has bought the Crouch. He and Mr. Tinman are always out together.

There's something in being respectable; although, for that matter, I've see'd respectable people at Great Oakhurst as were ten times worse than those as aren't. Still, a-speaking for myself, I'd put up with a goodish bit to marry the man whose child wor mine. 'For myself I could, but it wouldn't be just to him. 'I don't see what you mean.

But I've got a brother as is on'y ten, an' when 'e aint at school 'e's earnin' a bit by gatherin' mussels on the beach, an' 'e do collect a goodish bit too, though 'taint reg'lar biziness, an' 'e gets hisself into such a pickle o' salt water as never was. But he brings mother a shillin' or two." "And who is your mother?" asked Helmsley, drawing up his chair to the table and sitting down.

"'Poor critter, she'd tell you herself, if she could, said he, 'for she knows best, but she can't speak; and I didn't see her, when she was foalded. "'How old do you think? "'Age, sais Steve, 'depens on use, not on years. A hoss at five, if ill used, is old; a hoss at eight, if well used is young. "'Sacry footry! sais Goodish, 'why don't you speak out like a man?

I don't expect there will be any beer to be had, but I have been down with my son Bob into the cellar for the last four nights. I could not trust the French waiters, and we dug holes and have buried a couple of dozen kegs of my best spirits, so if they make a clear sweep of the rest I reckon we shall be able to keep that door open a goodish while."

"I am going to enlist," he said "that is, my people are getting me a commission. I have had some training, you know." "But we shall quickly lick them, don't you think so?" asked Tom. "You've been in Germany a goodish bit. You went to school and college there, so you ought to know." Waterman laughed. "We English are fools," he said. "How's that?" "Of course I am going to do my bit," said Waterman.

'I will in a day or two, answered Barter, arréanti. 'Well, as for a day or two, returned Steinberg, rubbing his forehead with the tips of his fingers, and looking very careless and composed, 'I'm really very much afraid I can't let you have it. It's been outstanding a goodish time, and to tell you the truth, old man, I want it very badly.

He was a younger son and in the army, not badly off, as his mother made him a goodish allowance. She had come of a large manufacturing family in the North and had brought a fortune to the empty treasury of the young peer she had happily for both fallen in love with.

So, as I was a-saying, having collected all my sinfulness of life, and humbleness before Heaven, into a goodish bit of courage, forward I steps a little furder and a leetle furder more un-til I come'd just up to the beautiful shining star lying upon the dust. Well, it was a long time I stood a-looking down at it, before I ventured to do what I arterwards did.

"And why shouldn't you be a gentleman?" asked Parson Jack, halting and cocking down an eye upon this queer urchin. "Well, there's a goodish bit against it, you'll allow. You saw what we're like at home." He looked up at Parson Jack frankly enough, but into his speech there crept a strange embarrassment, too old for his years.