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Updated: August 23, 2024

I know I did because I woke up three times and I was just furious every time. But this morning it was over. I wasn't in a temper anymore and it left a dreadful sort of goneness, too. I felt so ashamed of myself. But I just couldn't think of going and telling Mrs. Lynde so. It would be so humiliating. I made up my mind I'd stay shut up here forever rather than do that.

"I do not want to worry you," said Miss Shott; "but several people that were here last night said you was not looking as they had hoped to see you look, and I will just say to you, if it is anything connected with your appetite, with a feeling of goneness in the mornings, you ought to buy a quassia cup and drink the full of it at least three times a day." Miss Shott knew that Mrs.

But ever and here the torment lay she was drawn back from these far-wanderings to her present trouble, with its parch in the throat, its ache in the breast, and its gnawing, vacant goneness.

This in some cases causes dull and wandering pains, a sense of pulling at the centre of the chest, and a drawing downward at the pit of the stomach. Then as the support beneath is really gone, there is what is often called "a feeling of goneness." This is sometimes relieved by food, which, so long as it remains in a solid form, helps to hold up the falling superstructure.

That goneness at his stomach, and the strange sensations up and down his spine, seemed incongruous in such valorous trappings. But he had them unmistakably, and they kept him cringing close against the wall as though he had been glued. It was not entirely the thought of standing there that paralyzed him; it was the thought of going on.

"There's a tree in that, ain't there?" "Why, yes." Susan's ready admission gave every indication of a willingness to be impressed. "Well, what's enough to give a start to a tree that may grow seventy feet or over, ought to start a man off to his day's work pretty well. That's my way of reasoning." "But don't you feel an awful goneness after a breakfast like that?" "Goneness!"

"Well, you confessed to a fearful sense of goneness yourself." "Don't tell anybody," she said. "I should think not!" I retorted, with dignity. "I hope I have some pride." "Have you presented your letter to the ambassador?" she asked. "Yes, but it's so near Christmas that I suppose he won't bother about two waifs like us until after it's over." "My! but you are blue," she said.

'You keep cool about his goneness. Wait till he gets down on his knees and bellows and roars about his love, and take my tip for it he could forget you then in less than a week. I've seen men pretending to be mad with love, and the next month married to some one else. Men's love is a thing you want to take with more discount than everything you know.

He knew how small and miserable the wages were: he knew of the poor, comfortless homes and the "smidrie o' wee duddy weans" that depended on the poor pennies the father brought home; he knew that he came out well fed and leisurely to find fault with a peasant who was working with a sense of goneness about the stomach.

She had a frightened look, as if Billy had brought some awful news, or as if it was his fault, he could not tell which, and he began to feel that choking sensation and that goneness in the pit of his stomach that Aunt Saxon always gave him when she looked frightened at something he had done or was going to do.

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