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"They a' begin in a sma' wy," explained Archie, almost hidden in the depths of my reading chair, and emphasising his points with a gentle motion of his right hand; "naethin' tae mention at first, juist a gless at an orra time a beerial or a merridge and maybe New Year. That's the first stage; they ca' that moderation.

He was in a crunkle o' green brae, a wee below the chaipel, a' by his lee lane, and lowped and flang and danced like a daft quean at a waddin'. "It's Tod," says grandfather, and passed the gless to Sandie. "Ay, it's him," says Sandie. "Or ane in the likeness o' him," says grandfaither. "Sma' is the differ," quo' Sandie.

Ye mind she had a shooster shopie at the fit o' Collie Park, an' she had a big lookin' gless for her customers seeing hoo their frocks fitted. Ay weel than, I set the gless juist up again' the wa' at the end o' the garret, firnent the fireplace an' it made the roomie real cantie an' cheerie lookin'. When I heard the din Sandy was makin', I goes my wa's up the stair on my tiptaes.

"It's Tod," says grandfaither, and passed the gless to Sandie. "Ay, it's him," says Sandie. "Or ane in the likeness o' him, says grandfaither. "Sma' is the differ," quo' Sandie. "De'il or warlock, I'll try the gun at him," quo' he, and broucht up a fowling-piece that he aye carried, for Sandie was a notable famous shot in all that country.

Macintyre and the redoubtable 'Tammy' a very round and chubby urchin, as unlike a denizen of the slums as could well be imagined were sitting at tea by the cosy hearth, and there was a warm welcome and a cup for the visitor at once. 'Come awa', my wummin; I saw ye gang by, said the good soul cheerily. 'My, but ye hae a fine colour; jist gang ben an' look at yersel' in the room gless.

Nathanael had completely forgotten the optician; he hastily paid the sum demanded. "Ain't 't? Foine gless? foine gless?" asked Coppola in his harsh unpleasant voice, smiling sardonically. "Yes, yes, yes," rejoined Nathanael impatiently; "adieu, my good friend."

"It cam tae me sudden ae Sacrament Monday, hoo dis he aye turn up twal texts, naither mair nor less, and that set me thinkin'. Then a' noticed that he left the Bible open at the place till anither text was due, an' I wunnered a'd been sae slow. It wes this wy: he askit the beadle for a gless o' water in the vestry, and slippit his sermon in atween the leaves in sae mony bits.

Well, here foine gless!" he swept all his spectacles together, and put them back into his coat-pockets, whilst from a breast-pocket he produced a great number of larger and smaller perspectives.

"Surely ye maun hae an ill-wull at puir Jock, that wusses ye weel; what wad ony body say gin I poo'ed out sic a lump of gowd? 'There's that loon Jock been breakin' somebody's bank, an' then 'Fare-ye-weel, Kilaivie, to Jock's guid name. It's gane, like his last gless o' whusky, never to return." "But you are a long way from home, Jock; how will you get back?"

Their back winda had been blawn in, and Dauvid had tried to keep oot the wind wi' a mattress; but the wind had tummeled baith Dauvid an' the mattress heels ower gowrie, an' the wife got intil a terriple state. They cudna bide i' the hoose ony langer, an' i' the warst o't a', they cam' awa through a shoer o' sklates, an' bricks, an' lum-cans, an' gless, to see if we wud lat them in.