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"She said she war willin' fer me ter do any other kind of sinnin', ef I jest plain couldn't git outen hit, but she hoped I might die afore doin' that. Then she got on her knees 'n' fer most a hour prayed Gawd ter strike me daid afore He'd see me do hit. She said," he added softly, "hit air on accounten that sin as how-cum she's blind." Jane shuddered.

"Yes, 'e's a funny sort o' bloke, my orficer, but, my Gawd!" and here Simpson expectorated to give emphasis to his statement "I'd foller 'im against a crowd of 'Uns, or a lot of wimmen what's waiting for their 'usbands what ain't come 'ome at three in the morning, or anythink else you like.

Here he all but stumbled over a dead soldier in a blue uniform. He lay on his face, arms out, hands clutching at some reed-like grass. His rifle was beside him, haversack all undisturbed. "Picket," said Steve. "O Gawd, ain't war glorious?" Not at all without imagination, he had no fondness for touching dead men, but there were several things about this one that he wanted.

She could not bear suspense, and she felt her senses slipping away from her. "My Gawd! who'd ever have thought such hell would come to White Slides!" exclaimed Lem, with strong emotion. "Miss Collie, I'm powerful sorry fer you. But mebbe it's best so.... They're both dead!... Wade just died with his head on Wils's lap. But Jack never knowed what hit him.

Lew reflected on the future as arranged by Jakin a short time previously, but Cris's mouth was very near to his own. "I promise, s'elp me Gawd!" said he. Cris slid an arm round his neck. "I won't 'old you back no more, Piggy. Go away an' get your medal, an' I'll make you a new button-bag as nice as I know how," she whispered.

"For the love of Gawd," he groaned, wiping the blood from his eyes, "are they goin' to beach her in this gale?" The galley was lighted by two large deadlights, one each side, too small to crawl through, but large enough for a man's head. Murphy reached his head through one of them and looked aft. They had surrounded the wheel, and their war-cries were audible.

Then I went back to the house and sent some of the boys out to scout around before I come down here after you." "Where do you suppose they could have taken him?" Trowbridge asked. "They'd never dare bring him to town." "Gawd knows, Lem! There's more pockets and drifts up in them hills than there is jack-rabbits.

Wot they called the Great Gawd Bud." How many images of Buddha there are in the city it would be impossible to estimate I saw them not only in the pagodas, but newly carved in the shops which supply the Buddhist temples in the interior and the gilded dome of the Shwe Dagon Pagoda, "the most celebrated shrine of the entire Buddhist world," glitters like a beacon for miles before you reach the city.

I make you a contract fer ten years, and I pay you five hunded dollars a veek, vedder you vork or not, and you vouldn't have to vork so much, because I don't catch myself makin' a million dollar feature picture vit gawd amighty and de angels in it for no regular veekly releases.

I seen you with her out there in the rocks the mornin' of the race. I seen what you did to her. An' I'm a-goin' to tell it! ... An' I'm a-goin' to ketch Lucy Bostil an' strip her naked, an' when I git through with her I'll tie her on a hoss an' fire the grass! By Gawd! I am!" Livid and wild, he breathed hard as he got up, facing Slone malignantly.