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Seeing that the wolf turned up a branch creek, Ferguson cut across the intervening neck of the woods to intercept him if possible. He reached the stream bottom at the moment the coyote came trotting past. Having a blunt arrow on the bowstring, he shot across the twenty-five yards of bank, and quite unexpectedly cracked the animal on the foreleg, breaking the bone.

It's going to be hard to drive off that big rascal with only pistols! Aim for the spot back of his foreleg if you can; that may reach his heart!" There was not much time for preparation, since the bear kept advancing at the same shuffling gait. Tom tried shouting at him, hoping the sound of a human voice might cause the beast to alter his intention, and turn back.

Besides, the blood was pouring from the gash in his shoulder and that foreleg was growing weak; it was well that the battle had ended at this point. But it was not ended! Flight was not in the mind of Alcatraz as he swept away. He ran in dodging circles about the enemy, swerving in and then veering sharply out as the black reared to meet the expected charge.

A massive foreleg dropped from one of the guards, to crash to the floor. Whether or not the acid was able to set on the horny exterior of the termites, it was as deadly to their soft interiors as to any other sort of flesh! The acid had found the joint of that foreleg and had eaten through it as hot iron sinks through butter!

"Shoot it!" said Engle. "Tell him that Elisha has gone dead lame can't hardly rest his foot on the ground." "That'll do for Sweeney!" said the Sharpshooter. "Elisha worked fine this morning. I clocked him myself." "But that was this morning," argued Squeaking Henry. "He must have bowed a tendon or something. His left foreleg is in awful shape." "Are you sure it's Elisha?" demanded Engle.

I had not gone thirty feet, and Hotenfa was still sitting down, when I saw him wave his arm excitedly and throw up his gun to shoot. I leaped down to his side just as he fired at a big female goral which was sound asleep in an open patch of grass on the mountain-side. Hotenfa's bullet broke the animal's foreleg at the knee but without the slightest sign of injury she dashed down the cliff.

Still later Squeaking Henry, returning to his post of duty, saw a light in Elisha's stall and looked in at Old Man Curry applying cold compresses to the left foreleg of a gaunt bay horse with a small splash of white in the centre of the forehead. "How they coming, uncle?" asked Henry. "Oh, about the same, I reckon," was the reply. "You might as well hit the hay.

Bruce, his left foreleg broken and a nasty assortment of glass-cuts marring the fluffiness of his fur, was skillfully patched up by the vet' and carried back that night to The Place. The puppy had suddenly taken on a new value in his owners' eyes partly for his gallantly puny effort at defending the Mistress, partly because of his pitiful condition.

Among this crew you would have made out easily: Two fine cows. Four Berkshire pigs. One team of gray horses, the old mare a little lame in her right foreleg. About fifty hens, four cockerels, and a number of ducks and geese.

InHuntsman and Hounds,” a picture which is introduced because the writer is able to speak of points in its construction which these principles necessitated, the pyramidal form of composition is apparent, and around this a circuit is described by the hand, arm, crop, spot on dog’s side, elbow of dog’s foreleg, line of light on the other dog’s breast, the light on table and chair in backgroundall being points which catch the eye and keep it moving in a circuit.