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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Follow me ... and ... and ... what's next? Mither said I wes tae haed ready when she cam. "'A'll come afore ye gang tae sleep, Wullie, but ye 'ill no get yir kiss unless ye can feenish the psalm. "And ... in God's house ... for evermore my ... hoo dis it rin? a canna mind the next word ... my, my "It's ower dark noo tae read it, an' mither 'ill sune be comin."

He advanced a huge hand for inspection, and listened to the free advice given to try it, and the earnest assurances that it did not matter much if the jaw did break. "Ye'll feenish him off presently onyway, I suppose?" said one, and winked at Macalister. "Just bide a wee," answered Macalister, "I'm coming to that.

He cannot loose himself, for his riata is fast to the saddle; the dragons cannot help, for he is drag so fast. On the instant she have gone and so have the padre. For why? It is not a young girl he have lasso, but the devil! You comprehend it is a punishment a retribution he is feenish! And forever!

Paterson's comin' along, an' he'll win. Get up an' try an' feenish it!" Stirred by the warning, Robert tried to rise. He raised himself to his knees, but the pain in his injured foot was too great, and he fell forward on his face unconscious, and the race ended with Paterson as winner.

"Lofe, he begin with a laugh, he make feenish with a sigh." I turned to look at him in the moonlight. His face presented its habitual Spanish gravity a gravity that was almost ironical. His small black eyes had their characteristic irresponsible audacity the irresponsibility of the vivacious young animal.

Efter we got oor tea, Meg got the bairns a' beddit, an' then her an' her man, an' me an' Sandy set aff for the theater. It was a terriple grand theater, wi' as muckle gold hingin' roond aboot as wud mak' a' the puir fowk in Arbroath millionaires. We got a grand seat, an' a'thing gaed richt till near the feenish.

"If Jeems wes aboot a' daurna mention 't: he canna behave himsel' tae this day gin he hears 'it, though ye ken he's a douce man as ever lived. "It wes anither feenish, and it ran this wy: "'Noo, ma freends, a' wull no be keepin' ye ony longer, and ye 'ill a' gae hame tae yir ain hooses and mind yir ain business.

Evair' one work, work, work to ze fullest capacitee. Look! All ze gowns zat mus' be complete before ze New Year dawn, and only two more day!" She stepped to the door, and with a dramatic gesture pointed to the busy sewing women and the chairs and tables covered with dresses in all stages of construction. "Only two day, and all zese yet to be feenish for zat same ball!

"Errise, my friend; you have conquer! It is SHE who has arrive at the ground! YOU are all right. It is done; believe me, it is feenish! No more shall she make thees thing. From thees instant you shall ride her as the cow as the rail of thees fence and remain tranquil. For she is a-broke! Ta-ta! Regain your hats, gentlemen! Pass in your checks! It is ovar! How are you now?"

"Errise, my friend; you have conquer! It is she who has arrive at the ground! You are all right. It is done; believe me, it is feenish! No more shall she make thees think. From thees instant you shall ride her as the cow as the rail of thees fence and remain tranquil. For she is a-broke! Ta-ta! Regain your hats, gentlemen! Pass in your checks! It is ovar! How are you now?"

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