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The Rajah threw up his head like a war-horse scenting the battle from afar and laid his commands upon the long-suffering secretary. "Faveh me, Jastrow. Get out there and see what they are doing, seh." The secretary was back in the shortest possible interval, and his report was concise and business-like.

"Laid out theyuh lines across my prope'ty? Japheth, faveh me by riding down to the furnace and askin' Caleb Gordon if he will do me the honor to come up heah this evenin', if he can. I I it's twenty yeahs and mo' since I've troubled the law cou'ts of ouh po', Yankee-ridden country with any affai-ah of mine; and now well, I don't know I don't know," with a despondent shake of the leonine head.

McGrath's fireman was uncoupling the engine from the Rosemary, and Mr. Somerville Darrah, complacently lighting his after breakfast cigar, came across to the hissing ember fire. "A word with you, gentlemen, if you will faveh me," he began. "I am about to run down to Argentine on my engine, and I propose leaving the ladies in your cha'ge, Misteh Winton.

Trewhitt and Slocumb, Chiawassee attorneys, and a torrent of persuasive ones poured into the Major's ear the latter pointing to the crying necessity for the revocation of the power of attorney, summarily and at once. The Major proved singularly obstinate and non-committal. "Mistah Caleb Gordon is my friend, suh, and I was mighty proud to do him this small faveh.

"You'll spy upon a membeh of my family, will you, seh!" he stormed. "Out with you, bag and baggage, befo' I lose my tempeh and forget what is due to this young lady you have insulted, seh, with your infamous proposals! Faveh me instantly, while you have a leg to run with! Go!" Jastrow disappeared; and when the door closed behind him Virginia faced her irate clan-chief bravely.

May I hope you will faveh us often while we are neighbors?" Winton rose, made the proper acknowledgments, and would have crossed the compartment to make his adieus to Mrs. Carteret. But at that moment Virginia came between. "You are not going yet, are you, Mr. Winton? Don't hurry. If you are dying to smoke a pipe, as Mr. Adams says you are, we can go out on the platform. It isn't too cold, is it?"

"Hah! wouldn't wait until a man could get into his clothes!" he rasped, apostrophizing the Utah's new chief of construction. "Jastrow! Faveh me instantly, seh! Hustle up to the camp there and turn out the constable, town-marshal, or whatever he is. Tell him I have a writ for him to serve. Run, seh!"

"Virginia allowed you wouldn't faveh us, but I assured her she didn't rightly know men of the world: told her that a picayune business affair in which we are all acting as corporation proxies needn't spell out anything like a blood feud between gentlemen."

"What is it?" she asked. "Nothing my deah nothing at all. I was just wondering how a woman's ah sense of propo'tion was put togetheh. But your plan has merit. Do I understand that you will faveh me with your help?" "Why, ye-es, certainly, if I can," she assented, not without dubiety. "That is, I'll be nice to Mr. Winton." "That is precisely what I mean, my deah.

He took in the little tableau of the rear platforms at a glance, and when the slower train was left behind asked a question of Virginia. "Ah wasn't one of those two the young gentleman who called on you yestehday afternoon, my deah?" Virginia admitted it. "Could you faveh me with his name?" "He is Mr. Morton P. Adams, of Boston."