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"Oh, I don't know. Think sometimes I will come back and try my hand at farmin'. Think maybe I'll be more of a real person doing that than anything else I know. But this road business is a necessary thing. Bloomfield needs a good road all the way into the city. Something to put her on the map. Maybe with a good road we can get somewhere." Speaking out the idea seemed to crystallize it.

The dramatic business is a good deal like gambling-you take your chances." "I wish you weren't in it, Howard. I don't like to have my son-" "I wish I was in somethin' that paid better'n farmin'. Anything under God's heavens is better'n farmin'," said Grant. "No, I ain't laid up much," Howard went on, as if explaining why he hadn't helped them.

But I don't want the other to be kicked into doin' summat; which is what'll happen to us farmin' chaps if we don't start enlistin'." "The aggericultural community," persisted his father, who had picked up that resonant term at meetings of the Farmers' Union, "is, an' always has been, the backbone of England." "Then 'tis time we showed it, in the Yeomanry."

Dun'no' when I hev heerd so many bluebirds or sech chirky ones. An' the sky's wonderful an' the ground's jest right. It's goin' to be a dreadful good year for farmin'." There was in his mind no premonition of trouble on his receiving from the lumbering stage an envelope directed to him in Elizabeth's own hand. It was only that she was getting able to write to him herself.

'Some new-fashioned farmin', thought I; 'weedin' stubble, and in August month too! I wonder who taught the Widow that trick' for I won't be sure I reckernised your friend, not slap-off.

Edicated farmin' 's a very pootty thing, if a man can be at the expense on't; but when it comes to gittin' a livin', farmin' 's farmin'. Agriculteral College! Yes, Sir, farmin' 's a hard life, lookin' at the best side. Soil's light an' runnin' to stones. But this here college stuff's the poorest kind o' top-dressin' you can give it. Learnin's a good thing.

"Go an, go an; faix, you're like the new moon, sharp at both corners: but what matther, you beauty, we've secured the farm, at any rate, an', by this an' by that, I'll show you tip-top farmin' an it." A struggle now commenced between the husband and wife, as to which of them should, in their respective departments, advance themselves with greater rapidity in life.

"There looks to be plenty o' good farmin' land in this part o' the country," she said, a minute later. "Where be we now? See them handsome farm buildings; he must be a well-off man." But I had to tell my companion that we were still within the borders of the old town where we had both been born. Mrs. Peet gave a pleased little laugh, like a girl. "I'm expectin' Shrewsbury to pop up any minute.

I mean all day, with no chores, or farmin', or anything." "I don't know," Elly confessed. "Mr. Clark, of course, he's busy cooking and washing dishes and keeping house, but . . ." "Are there three of them?" Aunt Hetty stopped her dudsing in her astonishment. "I thought you said two." "Oh well, Mr. Marsh sent down to the city and had this Mr. Clark come up to work for them. He doesn't call him 'Mr.

Timotheus Simpkins, unaware that he was observed, was executing a most fantastic jig in the middle of the road. "I've did it naow, I bet ye 'n even Joel 'll have ter admit I'm a sight bigger'n anybody 'n taown. Good-bye ter farmin' and hooray fer literatoor, I say." "Wal, be ye losin' yer senses, er clean gone crazy?" asked Mrs. Hodgkins in disgust.