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You an' me we'll go to markit ebery day wid baskits on our arms, an we'll ob course go round by de walls, where your fadder works. No doubt it's a roundabout way, but what ob dat? We'll go at de hour your fadder feeds wid de oder slabes, an' as we pass we'll drop de two biskits in his lap." "But won't he be taken by surprise, Sally?"

'You go back in yourself, you see? 'Non; das so, sure nuff. Ah! as if a light broke in upon him 'you go in your own self. You make one leetle prayer. You say, "Le bon Fadder, oh! I want come back, I so tire, so hongree, so sorree"? He, say, "Come right 'long." Ah! das fuss-rate. Nelson, you make one leetle prayer for Sandy and me.

"Surely you have been to school. You speak English. You are not a full-blood Indian." The girl's eyes sought the shadows beyond the firelight, and, as her lips framed a reply, Chloe marvelled at the weird beauty of her. "I go to school on de Mission, two years at Fort MacPherson. I learn to spik de Englis'. My fadder, heem Englis', but I'm never see heem.

He stopped short, and the tears came streaming down his face. "I cannot tell," he repeated, his breast heaving with mighty sobs. "I would be glad to die to mak' over to not mak' I cannot say de word what I do to your fadder. I would give my life," he said, throwing out both his hands. "I would give my life. I cannot say more."

Hows'ever, put it as you t'ink best `Dear fadder, victual your ship; up anchor; hois' de sails, an' steer for de Cocos-Keelin' Islands. Go ashore; git hold ob do young 'ooman called Kat'leen Hobbleben." "Holbein, Moses." "What! is she Moses too?" "No, no! get on, man."

My fadder was chief I was great chief, but we was children. Knowed nuttin'. Like little child, dough great chief. Believe tradition. T'ink dis 'arth flat t'ink Injin could scalp all pale-face t'ink tomahawk, and war-path, and rifle, bess t'ings in whole world. In dat day, my heart was stone. Afraid of Great Spirit, but didn't love him. In dat time I t'ink General could talk wid bee.

But one afternoon, when all was quiet, Ralph noticed a shadow at the window, and, gazing up, made out part of an Indian face stationed there. Quickly he stood on the bench. "Big Foot, " he began, when the Indian let out a low hiss of warning. "Soldier hear Raf," said the Indian, in a whisper. "Me come to find you, tell fadder and Good Dan would do dat." "Father and Dan!" returned the boy.

Tidy was pooty as a flower; and dat's just what your fadder, Massa Carroll, sold her for. My poor mudder how she cried and took on! but then she grew more settled like. She said she'd gi'n her up for de good Lord to take care on.

"It is an ingenious device," said the preacher, throwing his exhausted form on a heap of pine branches which lay in a corner. "Who invented it your husband?" "No; it was Leetil Tim," returned the girl, with a low musical laugh. "Big Tim says hims fadder be great at 'ventions. He 'vent many t'ings. Some's good, some's bad, an' some's funny."

MY heart Yankee." "And have you not had a belt of wampum sent you, as well as the rest of them?" "Dat true got him don't keep him." "What! did you dare to send it back?" "Ain't fool, dough young. Keep him; no keep him. Keep him for Canada fadder; no keep him for Chippewa brave." "What have you then done with your belt?" "Bury him where nobody find him dis war.