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"Pour lui je filerais moi-meme Mon enfant, mais j'ai tant vieilli!" "Envoyez a celui que j'aime Tout le gain par moi recueilli. Rose a sa noce en vain me prie; Dieu! j'entends le menetrier!" File, file, pauvre Marie, Pour secourir le prisonnier; File, file, pauvre Marie, File, file, pour le prisonnier.

Egremont regarded with great annoyance, though they only consisted of such phrases as 'Back on Wednesday. Find an excuse, or in French, 'Envoyez moi la petite boite! 'Que la porte soit ouverte apres minuit. 'That was the way, groaned Mr. Egremont. 'The scoundrel! he kept all those to be able to show me up to the General if he chose!

They called each other "Kitty" and "Madeleine," and saw each other frequently; why, Lady Tranmore could never discover, unless on the principle that it is best to keep your enemy under observation. "She telegraphed to Worth as soon as her invitation arrived, 'Envoyez tout de suite costume Vénus. Réponse. The answer came at dinner she had a dinner-party and she read it aloud: 'Remercîments.

Then the question seemed to settle itself, as most of these woodland questions do, as if some silent force of Nature had the casting-vote. "Sautez, sautez!" cried Ferdinand, "envoyez au large!" In a moment we were sliding down the smooth back of the rapid, directly toward the first big wave. The rocky shore went by us like a dream; we could feel the motion of the earth whirling around with us.

Vous savez que j'ai a great taste for it; mais il faut vous avouer une triste verite, c'est que je manque absolument de loisir pour le lire. Ne m'en envoyez plus; car je me sens peine d'avoir sous les yeux de si bonnes choses, dont je n'ai pas le temps de tue nourrir." "In the year 1817," Lady Trevelyan writes, "my parents made a tour in Scotland with your uncle.

J'ai prie Sir Alexander de m'envoyer la meilleure gravure en photographie qui existe d'elle. Envoyez moi aussi, je vous prie, ce qui sera publie sur son compte, et ajoutez y tous les details que vous recueillerez. Sadly and sincerely yours,

Envoyez au large! is the cry of the Canadian voyageurs as they thrust their paddles against the shore and push out on the broad lake for a journey through the wilderness. Au large! is what the man in the bow shouts to the man in the stern when the birch canoe is running down the rapids, and the water grows too broken, and the rocks too thick, along the river-bank.

Je n'ai pas ici a me faire une reputation de heros magnanime, mais a guerir, si la cure est possible, l'Europe qui se meurt, epuisee de ressources et de sang, l'Europe dont vous negligez les vrais interets, pre-occupes que vous etes d'une vaine renommee de clemence. Vous etes faibles! Eh bien! je viens vous aider. Envoyez Buonaparte a Ste.