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J'ai prie Sir Alexander de m'envoyer la meilleure gravure en photographie qui existe d'elle. Envoyez moi aussi, je vous prie, ce qui sera publie sur son compte, et ajoutez y tous les details que vous recueillerez. Sadly and sincerely yours,

Madame Steele haf promise to help us. She ask me to zay she will spik vidth you." With a show of indolence I accompany him to where Mrs. Steele's chair is stretched out under the awning, for the day is very sultry. "I haf play vidth Mees Rogair," he whispers on the way, "and haf make her promise to get out her camarah I vould haf your photographie." Mrs.

This was PHOTOGRAPHIE, and was evidently the translation of all the others, indicating the different countries through which the miserable wagon had come before it had entered France and finally arrived at the Gates of Paris. Was it possible that the donkey that was harnessed to it had brought the cart all this distance?

"It doesn't seem extraordinary to me," said the girl. "Mr. Meadows was immensely clever, and Sir Henry was like a man with a new toy. The Home Secretary had just put him in as Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department. He was full of a lot of new ideas dactyloscopic bureaus, photographie mitrique, and scientific methods of crime detection. He talked about it all the time.

"When you cut my beard you will have to cut off my head" regarding Jean le Negre with unspeakably sensitive, tremendously deep, peculiarly soft eyes. "My beard is finer than that; you have made it too coarse," he gently remarked one day, looking attentively at a piece of photographie which I had been caught in the act of perpetrating: whereat I bowed my head in silent shame.

No sooner was the photographie complete than The Young Pole, patriotically elated, set out to demonstrate the superiority of his race and nation by making himself obnoxious. I will give him this credit: he was pas mechant, he was, in fact, a stupid boy. He set about cleaning and polishing himself, combing his hair, smoothing his cap and was as cocky as ever next morning.

Here is a passage from one of my father's letters in acknowledgment of the photograph of our house: "J'ai recu avec infiniment de plaisir votre lettre et la photographie qui l'accompagnait. Cette petite image nous met en communication plus directe, en nous identifiant pour ainsi dire, a votre vie interieure. Merci donc, et de bon coeur."