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"Surely you have been to school. You speak English. You are not a full-blood Indian." The girl's eyes sought the shadows beyond the firelight, and, as her lips framed a reply, Chloe marvelled at the weird beauty of her. "I go to school on de Mission, two years at Fort MacPherson. I learn to spik de Englis'. My fadder, heem Englis', but I'm never see heem.

Mattie turned suddenly around to witness this peculiar exhibition, when Tite's letter fell from her bosom to the floor. "Ze revelation! Ze re-ve-la what shall I say? If I only speak ze Englis so good as you, now!" exclaimed Gusher, affecting a loud laugh. And stooping down quickly, he attempted to seize the missive. Mattie was too quick for him.

He wore the same dress and looked dirty and disreputable quite a waif and a stray. "Hullo," said Hurd, casually, "what are you doing. Talk English, eh?" "Yes, sir," said Hokar, calmly. "I spike good Englis. Missionary teach Hokar Englis." "I'm glad of that; we can have a chat," said Hurd, producing his pipe.

"Come 'long," whispered Ching hurriedly; and he caught our comrade by the arm, forcing him onward as the guards scowled at us fiercely. "Here, what are you up to?" cried Smith, resenting the interference. "Take velly much care of Englis' offlicers. Big mandalin live there. Men sword velly sharp cut off head." "Bosh!" said Smith shortly; "they'd better." "Oh no, they hadn't," cried Barkins.

The eyes of the newcomers followed her gaze. Ricardo held his cigarette between his fingers, and blew a cloud of smoke above his head. "She don' spik no Englis'," he said, looking at them mildly. The girl flushed to the roots of her hay-colored frizz of hair. "You're a nice one!" she said. "Why didn't you speak up?" Ricardo gave her another gentle, undisturbed glance.

But he will come ver' quick when he know that the ship hav' come. Then, trembling with pleasurable excitement, she turned to the lady and indicated a low easy-chair, and said in Samoan, 'Sit thou there, O lady; and then in English, 'I can't speak Englis' very good sometimes. But my man will soon come. Then she remembered something.

After failing, on one occasion, to make herself understood, Guadalupe said, with some vexation in her manner: "We wish brother was home come; brother speak ver better Englis." "Where is he?" I inquired. "In the ceety Vera Cruz." "Ha! and when did you expect him?" "Thees day to-night he home come."

"Oh yes; beauties," said Barkins. "What's up?" "You likee ask leave go for bit walkee walkee?" "Don't!" roared Smith. "Don't talk like a nurse to us. Why don't you speak plain English?" "Yes; Ching speak ploper Inglis. No speakee pigeon Englis. All ploper. Interpleter. You likee go shore for walkee, see something?" "You beggar, you were listening," cried Barkins. "How long had you been there?"

"No speke Englis," he said, gliding out again from the room and closing the door. Elaine and Mary looked about in despair. "What shall we do?" asked Elaine. Mary said nothing, but with a hasty glance discovered on the wall the knife which Long had already told her about. She took it from its scabbard. As she did so the Chinaman returned with a tray on which were queer drinks and glasses.

Gusher, again putting his hand to his heart and making a formal bow, "you do me so many compliments as I don't deserve. I have anticipated ze pleazure and ze honor so much to zee your daughter. I am zure I shall be delight wiz her. If I shall speak Englis so well as you, then I shall be so happy. Then I makes myself agreeable to your daughter, I am so sure." Mr.