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There was no looting of the paystreak as there had been at the Willie Meena, a guard was put over it forthwith; and after he had taken a few samples from the vein Lynch returned on the gallop to Blackwater. The great question now with Eells was how Wunpost would take it, but after hearing from his scouts that the prospector was calm he summoned him to his office.

He had stated in public that he was going to break Eells, and he fully intended to do so; and his promise to get Lynch and Phillip F. Lapham was never out of his mind; but this assassin, this murderer, who had shot him without cause and then crawled off through the boulders like a snake Wunpost had schemed night and day from the moment he was hit to bring the sneaking miscreant to book.

He nodded confidently but Judson Eells' proud lip went up and instantly he became the bold financier. "No," he said, "you'll never get it, Mr Calhoun not until you take me to the Sockdolager Mine." "Nothing doing," replied Wunpost "not for you or any other man. I stay away from that mine, from now on. Why should I give up a half ain't I got thirty thousand dollars, hid out up here under a stone?

And besides, I told Eells I wouldn't go near the mine until he came through and sold me that contract. They's nobody watching me now. And you can take the ore, if you should happen to win, and build your father a road." She straightened up and gazed at him with her honest brown eyes, and at last the look in them changed.

"W'y, sure!" shrilled Wunpost, "didn't I tell you I wanted it?" "Well, it's rather unusual," went on Judson Eells lamely, and then he spoke in an aside to his cashier. "No! None of that, now!" burst out Wunpost in a fury, "don't you frame up any monkey-business on me! I want my money, see? And I want it right now! Dig up, or I'll wreck the whole dump!"

Not Eells and Lynch alone, but the citizens at large, collectively and as individuals; and he had planted the seeds of envy and rage to rankle in their hairy breasts. He had shown them his gold, to make them yearn to find it, and his money to make them envy him his wealth; and then he had left them to stew in their own juice, for Blackwater was as hot as Jail Canyon.

He paused and over Wunpost's scowling face there flashed a twinge that betrayed him Judson Eells had read his inner thought. "Well, anyhow," he blustered, "I'll deal you so much misery " "Not necessary, not necessary," put in Judson Eells mildly, "I'm willing to meet you half way. What is it you want now, and if it's anything reasonable I'll be glad to consider a settlement.

Eells set to work immediately to build him a road and to order the supplies and machinery, and as the development work was pushed towards completion John C. Calhoun was almost forgotten. He was gone, that was all they knew, and if he never came back it would be soon enough for Eells.

He chuckled and ran his hand through his tumbled hair, which always stood straight on end, but Billy was looking at him curiously. "Mr. Eells was up to see us," she said at last, "and he claims you salted that mine. And he even told Father that you located it up our canyon just on purpose so we could use his road!" "And what did you say?" inquired Wunpost teasingly.

Well, laugh if you want to it's your scalp or mine and you can jest politely go to hell." He snapped his fingers in his face and, taking a sack in both hands, started off to the Wells Fargo office; and, so intimidated for once were Eells and his gun-fighter, that neither one followed along after him.