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He writes with a sudden brusqueness to accuse Voltaire of showing about his manuscripts, which, he says, had only been sent him on the condition of un secret inviolable. He writes to Jordan complaining of Voltaire's avarice in very stringent terms. 'Ton avare boira la lie de son insatiable désir de s'enrichir ... Son apparition de six jours me coûtera par journée cinq cent cinquante écus.

It is called the "Royal Work of Charles VI. of France, and the Treasure of Philosophy." It is said to be the original from which Nicholas Flamel took the idea of his "Desir Desire." Lenglet du Fresnoy says it is very allegorical, and utterly incomprehensible.

Ce desir est bien puissant en France, et les aventures de l'extreme Orient, dans lesquelles on nous a lances si mal a propos, ne font que lui donner l'occasion de se manifester. Ces aventures ne font pas diversion a la crise si grave qui eprouve notre industrie et notre agriculture. Les causes de cette crise sont multiples.

However, we shall have other deer in a few days. "I believe you have never met the Mounteneys. They have never been at Hallesbrooke since you have been at Desir. They are coming to us immediately. I am sure you will like them very much. Lord Mounteney is one of those kind, easy-minded, accomplished men, who, after all, are nearly the pleasantest society one ever meets.

This lady, exhausted by the gaiety of the season, had left town somewhat earlier than she usually did, and was inhaling fresh air, and studying botany, at the magnificent seat of the Carabas family, Chateau Desir, at which splendid place Vivian was to pass the summer. In the meantime all was sunshine with Vivian Grey.

Martin, in the dress of a conscript, sang six long couplets against the tyrants of the seas; of which I was only able to retain the following one: Je deteste le peuple anglais, Je deteste son ministere; J'aime l'Empereur des Francais, J'aime la paix, je hais la guerre; Mais puisqu'il faut la soutenir Contre une Nation Sauvage, Mon plus doux, mon plus grand desir Est de montrer tout mon courage.

"Adieu, Monsieur François;" said the Alderman nodding his head to the ancient valet, who stood with a disconsolate eye on the shore. "Have a care of the movables in la Cour des Fées; we may have further use for them." "Mais, Monsieur Beevre, mon devoir, et, ma foi, suppose la mèr was plus agréable, mon désir shall be to suivre Mam'selle Alide.

One after another came these strains he had taken from operas famous in their day, until at length the Padre was murmuring to some music seldom long out of his heart not the Latin verse which the choir sang, but the original French words: "Ah, voile man envie, Voila mon seul desir: Rendez moi ma patrie, Ou laissez moi mourir."

That is the only way of knowing the customs, the manners, and all the little characteristical peculiarities that distinguish one place from another; but then this familiarity is not to be brought about by cold, formal visits of half an hour: no; you must show a willingness, a desire, an impatience of forming connections, 'il faut s'y preter, et y mettre du liant, du desir de plaire.

As Vivian shortly returned thanks and modestly apologised for the German of a foreigner, he could not refrain from remembering the last time when he was placed in the same situation; it was when the treacherous Lord Courtown had drank success to Mr. Vivian Grey's maiden speech in a bumper of claret at the political orgies of Chateau Desir.