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Fancy moved to the door. "Well," said she, "I'm sorry for the cause of it: but duty's duty, and I reckon I've news to make 'em sit up." She went downstairs resolutely and knocked at Cai's parlour door. "Come in! . . . Eh, so it's you, missy? No worse news of the invalid, I hope?" "He isn' goin' to die to-day, nor yet to-morrow, if that's what you mean. May I take a chair?" "Why, to be sure."

I have seen many of my refugee fellow-countrymen: some used to be rich and had lost their all; others were poor before the war and now no longer owned even what the poorest own. I have received many letters from every part of Europe where duty's exiles had sought a brief instant of repose.

But if he only lives twenty-one days, he will find out that only those rare natures that are made up of pluck, endurance, devotion to duty for duty's sake, and invincible determination may hope to venture upon so tremendous an enterprise as the keeping of a journal and not sustain a shameful defeat.

He had expected to be insulted, to be persecuted, to be a martyr for duty's sake, and, lo! he was treated always with courtesy, but his great work was ignored; he felt that they must see it, but then they might be too dull to notice its edge and weight.

Ah, lad, my lad, your frank, free smile Has cheered me many a weary mile; And in your face, e'en in my dreams, Potent of future manhood beams, Manhood that lives above the small; Manhood all pure and good and clean, That scorns the base, the vile, the mean, That hears and answers duty's call

He jest marched out of the door and didn't say good bye or good day or anything. But I didn't care. I knowed the minute his card wuz handed to me jest how many wives he had and how he wuz doin' all he could to uphold what he called his religion, but I did hope I'd done him some good but felt dubersome about it. But knowin' I'd clung to Duty's apron strings I felt like leavin' the event.

Thus bereft of friends of his own sex, and turned back from a professional or a soldier's career by Duty's flaming sword, Martin reverted to his own home for comradeship. But here, alas, he was again disappointed. Mary, Eliza, and Jane were not of a type to fill the void in his life that he sought to have filled.

Showing me that the beautiful was to mingle unshrinking, for duty's sake, with all that is most foul and loathsome; that the sublime was to stoop to the most menial offices, the most outwardly-degrading self-denials; that to be heavenly was to know that the commonest relations, the most vulgar duties, of earth, were God's commands, and only to be performed aright by the help of the same spirit by which He rules the Universe; that righteousness was to love, to help, to suffer for if need be, to die for those who, in themselves, seem fitted to arouse no feelings except indignation and disgust?

And when those fustian shams have flown The wise their new allegiance own, Leaving dead form to fools! "Friendship's friendship and respect's respect, but duty's what I'm paid to do!" The man at the gate dallied to look at his horse's fetlocks. Tess's strange guest seemed in no hurry either, but her movements were as swift as knitting-needles.

She knew how eloquent Barode Barouche could be; she knew how his voice had all the ravishment of silver bells to the unsuspecting. How well she knew him; how deeply she realized the darkness of his nature! Once she had said to him: "Sometimes I think that for duty's sake you would cling like a leech." It was true.