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Updated: August 29, 2024

An instant later Merry sprang down the steps, rushed forward and seized the flute player. "If you need any assistance," called Gallup, as he descended to the lawn, "I'll help you kill him, Merry." "Hans Dunnerwurst!" cried Frank, as he grasped the hand of the German and shook it delightedly. "I thought I knew you!" The stranger seemed nearly pumped out of breath.

By Chiminy! you vos a lucky poy, Part; but I don'd blame her when I see tears in her eyes because she knows I vos not marreed mineselluf." "You come here," invited Gallup, as he grasped Hans' arm and turned him toward Teresa. "I jest want to knock you daown to my wife. Mrs. Gallup, this hot dog is my old friend, Hans Dunnerwurst, that I've told ye about more'n once."

If your team of Rovers will come here and meet us on my field, we'll give you a game to-morrow, I think. What do you say, boys?" "You pet my life ve vill!" shouted Dunnerwurst. "By gum, that'll suit me!" came from Gallup. "I'm with you, Merry!" said Carson. "You know you can depend on me!" rumbled Browning. "Begorra, it will suit me clane down to the ground!" came from Mulloy.

Der flute brought me vid it to der paseball groundt." "Av you attimpt to toot thot flute, Oi'll hit ye wid a bat!" growled Mulloy. "Oh, you vos chealous you vos chealous pecause der flute coot not play you!" sneered Dunnerwurst.

Merriwell," said Sparkfair. "Are you going to pitch?" "I don't think I'll start the game," said Merry. "I vill pitch mineselluf," announced Hans. "I vos der createst paseball pitcher dot efer seen you." Sparkfair flipped a coin, and the choice of innings fell to Merry. "We'll take the field," said Frank. "Go behind the bat, Hodge. Dunnerwurst will pitch.

Gallup dropped a Texas Leaguer over the infield, and Buck Badger walked out With a bat on his shoulder. "It peen up to you, Padger!" cried Dunnerwurst. "See vot you coot dood py der ball." At this juncture Sparkfair issued his first pass, and Badger walked, filling the bases. Berlin Carson tried to drive in some runs, but popped up an infield fly and was out. Then Hans Dunnerwurst started forth.

"A valk vill take you, Frankie!" cried Dunnerwurst, from the coaching line. "He vill made you a present to der virst pase. Yah!" Bender pretended to kick a pebble from beneath his feet. Suddenly, without any preliminary swing, he sent over a swift straight ball. Smash! Merriwell nailed the ball on the trade-mark. Frank drove the ball out on a line and reached second base by sharp running.

"It peen some red-hot paseball practice we put into us this afternoon, Frankie," said Dunnerwurst. "Py Chorge! Der game vill play us to-morrow on." "We'll have to play the game to win, boys," said Merry. "This Rover baseball team is no ordinary wandering aggregation. It's composed of professionals with records." He then told them about the players who made up the Rovers.

How der flute does luf to blay me! Id peen der grandest instrument dot efer found me der vorld in." Several of the party had followed Frank down the steps and surrounded Dunnerwurst. They greeted him warmly, seizing his hand and shaking it. But suddenly the Dutchman caught sight of Gallup. With a whoop of joy, he grabbed up his carpetbag and started for the Vermonter.

"Now something vill see you," observed Dunnerwurst, in a low tone. "Der ball vill hit him a mile." Sparkfair did his best to deceive Merry, but finally put one over, and Frank drove it far into the field. Hiram Bemis covered ground rapidly as he raced for the ball, but no one fancied he could catch it. Making a final desperate spurt, Hi leaped into the air and pulled the globule down.

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