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Vat gan it concern you whether I have one votdermans or two votd-ermans whether I bull out mine burce for to pay von shilling or two? Diavolo! I gannot go here, or I gannot go dere, but some one shall send it to some newsbaber, as how Misder Chorge Vreder-ick Handel did go somedimes last week in a votderman's wherry, to preak his fastd wid Misder Zac.

"Oh, no, it vas not my dog." "Why, you said it was your dog." "Oh, no, gaptain, I " "It was a white dog, wasn't it, with his tail docked, and one ear gone, and " "Dot's him, dot's him! der fery dog. Wy, py Chorge, dot dog he would eat baint yoost de same like " "Well, never mind that, now 'vast heaving I never saw such a man. You start him on that dog and he'll dispute a year.

"If only I had prought Chorge inshtead of you, shtupid fool, he should have fount dat voman," said he to the servant, while the excise officers were searching the carriage. "Indeed, Monsieur le Baron, the devil was behind the chaise, I believe, disguised as an armed escort, and he sent this chaise instead of hers." "Dere is no such ting as de Teufel," said the Baron.

"It peen some red-hot paseball practice we put into us this afternoon, Frankie," said Dunnerwurst. "Py Chorge! Der game vill play us to-morrow on." "We'll have to play the game to win, boys," said Merry. "This Rover baseball team is no ordinary wandering aggregation. It's composed of professionals with records." He then told them about the players who made up the Rovers.

"Shean," cried the Baron to the gardener, "go and tell Chorge to sent me one twenty francs, and pring dem to me " "Still, Monsieur le Baron, if you have no more information than you have just given me, I doubt whether the great man can be of any use to you." "I know off oders!" replied the Baron with a cunning look.