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"It was thrue, thin, William Connor?" repeated Coolin. "As thrue as that yander tripod pump kills wan man out uv ivery fifty. As thrue as that y'r corn-beef from y'r commysariat tins gives William Connor thirst, Coolin." "She was drownded, Connor?" asked Coolin in a whisper. "As I dramed it, an' allowin' fer difference uv time, at the very hour, Coolin.

"Well, then, I dramed that I paid a visit to the O'Donoghue; in his grand palace under the lake. I received my invitation by being upset in my boat, and pulled downwards by a big merman, who never let go of my coat-tails till he landed me at the palace gate. "The O'Donoghue himself met me in the hall. 'Welcome, Mr.

Oi'd dropped off into a swate shlape afther thet chap made sich a row toomblin' out ov his hammick thet wor next moine, bein' three sheets an' more, faith, in the woind whin he come off from shore; an' I dramed ez how, Tom, we two wor aboord the Active, which Oi wor lookin' over ounly yisterday whin Oi come by Pitch-House Jetty, where she's lyin' preparin' for say.

"I did my best, thinking that every moment you would be getting up; and small blame to me if at last I dramed that you did get up, and told me that you would take a turn at watching." "Never mind, since no harm has happened," I said. "Now let us mount our horses and ride forward till we can get some cold water for breakfast."

An' faix, yez have thrated us well, an' begorra, we would have axed yer consint, if we had dramed we could have got ut!" he concluded ingenuously. The two Indians gazed at him with a surprise so evident that a chill ran through his every nerve. "We will never reveal the secret, the place of the gold," declared L'Épine.

"What was it ye dramed again, Coolin? Was there anything but the dramin' anny noise, or sound, or spakin'?" Coolin lied freely, for to disturb William Connor was little enough compensation for being held back at Suakim while the Berkshires and the Sikhs were off for a scrimmage in the desert.

"What was it ye dramed again, Coolin? Was there anything but the dramin' anny noise, or sound, or spakin'?" Coolin lied freely, for to disturb William Connor was little enough compensation for being held back at Suakim while the Berkshires and the Sikhs were off for a scrimmage in the desert.

"I'll be drinkin' condinsed spirits an' 'atin' hay-cake whip the vultures do be peckin' at what's lift uv ye whip the Subadar's done wid ye. I'd a drame about ye last noight, William Connor dear three times I dramed it." Suddenly Connor's face was clouded. "Whist, thin, Coolin," said he hoarsely.

She shlipped an' snatched at the spinifex. Wan minnit she held, an' thin slid down, down into the say. An' I woke callin' 'Mary Mary' in me throat." "Ye dramed it wance only, Connor?" said Coolin, with the insolent grin gone out of his eyes. "I dramed it three times, an' the last time, whin I waked, I felt a cold wind go over me.

"Blatheration!" exclaimed my chum, smacking the butt of his rifle on the deck and making the petty officer who was on the other side of the hatchway jump round in a jiffy, looking marline-spikes in our direction. "Ye jist say, now, if we don't join her! Sure, I dramed ov her last noight, alannah.