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His name was upon her lips, when she saw the Dop Doctor sleeping in his chair. Breathlessly silent, she crossed the room to his side. And then it was to her as though she looked upon her husband's face for the first time. There was no stain of his secret excess upon it no bloating of the features.

Bough departed, to pay the prison penalty of not keeping in touch with the Police.... More cheers, strongly deprecated by the Judge. The Dop Doctor could hear that ironical clapping and braying five years off. It was over, over! He was free! Oh, the mockery of the word! His Counsel shook his hand warmly, and several old friends and colleagues pressed round him with hearty congratulations.

As every mouth to feed was a consideration, I determined to see if I could personally induce the Boer General to pass me into Mafeking. Under Mrs. Fraser's charge I left my maid, as I did not wish to expose her to any hardships in the laager; and to her I gave the custody of my pony Dop, to whom I had become much attached.

Wild beasts, as a rule, never venture into open spaces and besides are kept afar by the glare of the fires but the inclemency of the climate on those heights would render a more substantial residence desirable for comfort. There is no furniture or other sort of household goods in the Sakai's dop.

While Rhodes lived the legislation introduced and maintained by his powerful personality revealed the policy of compromise which he always pursued. He was eminently practical and businesslike. He said to the members of the Bond, "Don't you tax diamonds and I won't tax dop," as the Cape brandy is called. The compact was made and kept in his lifetime.

The ragged black moustache had been shaved away; the frayed but spotless suit of white drill fitted the heavy-shouldered, thin-flanked, muscular figure perfectly; the faded blue flannel shirt, with the white double collar and narrow black tie; the shabby black kamarband about his waist, the black-ribboned Panama, maintaining respectability in extremest old age, as that expensive but lasting headgear is wont to do, possessed, as worn by the Dop Doctor, a certain cachet of style.

Here a medical man may feel the pulse of Dives for gold, and look at the tongue of Lazarus for nothing, and supply medicine into the bargain, if he be of kindly soul, and this hopeful, rising surgeon and physician had an open hand and an unsuspecting nature. God! how much the worse for him. The sweat-drops ran down into the Dop Doctor's eyes as he remembered that.

He withdrew his attentive eyes from that stalwart sportsman's broad, ruddy countenance, to glance smilingly at the fair, handsome face, and reply: "Whose? Well, up to the present they have belonged to the Dop Doctor." "That man!" The Mayor, in the act of taking another slice of the roast, looked round as at the mention of a name familiar, shrugging his portly shoulders.

Kindly answer, Miss Mildare!" Beauvayse's eyes were on her. He said to her below his breath: "Tell him to go!" She stammered: "Th thank you. But I I had rather you went on." Beauvayse saw his opportunity, and added, with an intolerable smile: "My 'familiarities, as you are pleased to term them, being more acceptable to a lady than the attentions of the Dop Doctor."

Their faces were very close together as they sat upon the sofa in the pretty Pont Street drawing-room, and his newly-bought engagement-ring gleamed on her long white hand.... The remembrance of that day made the Dop Doctor laugh out harshly in the midst of his anguish. So trivial and so weak a thing had been that love of hers on which he had founded the castle of his hopes and desires.