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"There," he said, "I thought that was what you were driving at." Williams began swinging his head from side to side in the strange racial mannerism. "Now hol' on a minnet, jedge," he said, defensively. "'Tain't like as if I didn't 'preciate what the docteh done. 'Tain't that. Docteh Trescott is er kind man, an' 'tain't like as if I didn't 'preciate what he done; but but " "But what?

As these three points of widening shadows approached the golden doorway a hale old negress appeared there, bowing. "Good-evenin', docteh! Good-evenin'! Come in! come in!" She had evidently just retired from a tempestuous struggle to place the room in order, but she was now bowing rapidly. She made the effort of a person swimming. "Don't trouble yourself, Mary," said Trescott, entering.

Misteh what's-his-names he says something to de docteh, an' den dey goes afteh de cobwebs, suah 'nough. 'Tain' bleedin' no mo', missy. He's mostes' neah doin' we'y fine. Co'se, he cain' walk fo' sev'l days wiv dem laigs o' his'n, but " "Then, in heaven's name, how are we to get to Edelweiss?" "He c'n ride, cain't he? Wha's to hindeh him?" "Quite right. He shall ride inside the coach.

There was a moment's silence, when she suddenly rose and offered me a seat, remarking, as she did so, that "Sisteh Ma'y Ann Jinkins ca'in' on so" made her forget her manners. "What is the matter?" said I. "I dunno, seh, 'cep'n' she's mad 'cause docteh won't leave heh stay and talk to Mist' Wheatley; he made heh go, an' I s'pose hit kindeh put heh out." "What was she doing?"

"Tain't like as if I didn't 'preciate what the docteh done, but but well, yeh see, jedge," he added, gaining a new impetus, "it's it's hard wuk. This ol' man nev' did wuk so hard. Lode, no." "Don't talk such nonsense, Alek," spoke the judge, sharply.

It was as if Trescott was poised in the contemplative sky over the running negro, and could heed this reaching voice "Docteh Trescott!" In the cabin, Mrs. Williams, supported by relays from the battalion of children, stood quaking watch until the truth of daylight came as a reinforcement and made the arrogant, strutting, swashbuckler children, and a mother who proclaimed her illimitable courage.

If you don't get along, I want you to let me know as soon as possible, and then we will do what we can to make it better." The dark figure at the doctor's side answered with a cheerful laugh. "These buggy wheels don' look like I washed 'em yesterday, docteh," he said. Trescott hesitated for a moment, and then went on insistently, "I am taking you to Alek Williams, Henry, and I "

When they halted at the door and Trescott was climbing out, Williams cried, "Will she stand, docteh?" "She'll stand all right, but you better hold her for a minute. Now, Henry." The doctor turned and held both arms to the dark figure. It crawled to him painfully like a man going down a ladder.

Presently he came flying out. He grabbed his hat, and hurled the outer door back upon its hinges. Then he tumbled headlong into the night. He was yelling: "Docteh Trescott! Docteh Trescott!" He ran wildly through the fields, and galloped in the direction of town. He continued to call to Trescott, as if the latter was within easy hearing.

I raikon 'ain't been no sleep in in my house sence docteh done fetch 'im." "Well, what do you propose to do about it?" Williams lifted his eyes from the ground and gazed off through the trees. "Raikon I got good appetite, an' sleep jes like er dog, but he he's done broke me all up. 'Tain't no good, nohow.