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Updated: August 1, 2024

Rigidly, at arms-length, he held her, moment after moment, immovable, implacable; and when he read death in her empurpled face, a miraculous thing happened. The "blind" eye of Sin Sin Wa opened! A husky rattle told of the end, and he dropped the woman's body from his steely grip, disengaging the pigtail with a swift movement of his head.

Disengaging herself, she rose to her feet, and, after a pause, asked, "What reply shall I send to the report, dad?" "Ah, that report!" gasped the man, huddled up in his chair in serious reflection. "That report!" he repeated, rising to straighten himself. "Reply in these words: 'No effort is to be made to save the child's life.

No one spoke again for a while. At last Mr Vivian roused himself to an effort, and, disengaging his hand, looked his wife steadily and sorrowfully in the face. "Tell me, Julia," he said, "tell me the truth, tell me, can you really and from your heart forgive me? nay, do not speak till you have heard me out," for she was about to give an eager reply. "Consider well.

Bussy expected other words, men are so exacting, but Diana said no more, and, disengaging herself gently from his arms, ran to her friend, who, seeing her faint, had returned softly, and stood a little way off. "Is it thus that you receive me, madame?" "No, M. de Bussy, but " "Oh! no 'but, madame," sighed Bussy, drawing near again. "No, no, not on your knees!"

Give me your word of honor that you are absolutely certain Madame Steno is not Maitland's mistress, that you never thought it, have never heard it said, and I will believe you, I will obey you! Come," continued he, pressing the writer's hand with more fervor, "I see you hesitate!" "No," said Julien, disengaging himself from the wild grasp, "I do not hesitate. I am sorry for you.

Running rapidly to Father Pedro's side, he grasped his sotana, and even tried to hide his curls among its folds. "'St! 'st!" said the Padre, disengaging himself with some impatience. "What new alarm is this? Is it Luzbel hiding among our Catalan vines, or one of those heathen Americanos from Monterey? Speak!"

Suddenly, from out-of-doors, there came a single prolonged, piercing wail, such as a banshee might be imagined to utter. It ceased abruptly, and was not repeated. "What's that?" called out Maskull, disengaging himself impatiently from Krag. Krag rocked with laughter. "A Scottish spirit trying to reproduce the bagpipes of its earth life in honour of our departure." Nightspore turned to Krag.

"Stoop low," said Cora, as she conducted him into apparently a small alcove on one side. "Step back and remain a moment," she added, disengaging her hand, immediately after which he heard a grating sound as if a heavy stone were being moved.

She sobbed and wrung her hands, but the time was past for that to have any effect upon me, and, disengaging myself from her grasp, I crept away, hiding as well as I could behind the scattered ruins. In this manner I contrived almost to reach the foot of the ladder without being discovered.

That significant something by which the work of such a man differs from that of his predecessors, goes on disengaging itself and becoming more and more articulate and cognisable. The same principle of growth that carried his first book beyond the books of previous writers, carries his last book beyond his first.

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