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I'll come and see ye the morn's nicht, gin ye'll lat me." "My name's Thomas Crann. I'm a stonemason. Speir at Robert Bruce's chop, and they'll direc ye to whaur I bide. Ye may come the morn's nicht, and welcome. Can ye sup parritch?" "Ay, weel that." "My Jean's an extrornar han' at parritch. I only houp puir Esau had half as guid for's birthricht. Ye'll hae a drappy wi' me?"

Troy was full of activity, but his activities were less of a locomotive than a vegetative nature; and, never being based upon any original choice of foundation or direc- tion, they were exercised on whatever object chance might place in their way.

Of co'se I sort o' ca'culate on him takin' the "Junior," an' lettin' me tack a capital "S" an' a little "r" to my name 'fo' I die; which would nachelly call attention to him direc' eve'y time I'd sign my signature. Deuteronomy Jones ain't to say a purty name, maybe; but it's scriptu'al so far ez my parents could make it.

Well, sir, the rector, he come in an' opened his valise an' 'rayed hisself in his robes an' opened his book, an' while he was turnin' the leaves, he faced 'round an' says he, lookin' at me Direc', says he: "Let the child be brought forward for baptism," says he, thess that-a-way. Well, sir, I looked at wife, an' wife, she looked at me, an' then we both thess looked out at the butter-bean arbor.

The man was up in the mast, and with great excitement pointing to the east. "A ship! A ship!" he cried. In an instant all were on their feet. Even Owen stopped his cries and stood erect. It was quite true that in the direc- tion indicated by Flaypole there was a white speck visible upon the horizon. But did it move? Would the sailors with their keen vision pronounce it to be a sail?

I've watched them mony's the time, when he would haud them up in their play by the hour together, arguyin' which should be horse an' which should be driver, an' it was always Peter that won his way wi' them. Is the cab there, Tillie? Then gie me my crutch. Hester, are you ready? Jean, I'll find oot for ye all aboot the trains for Dover. Ye maun gang direc' an' no loiter by the way. Come, Hester.

At an elevation of between 600 and 700 feet this basin is surrounded on all sides by rugged stony hills, excepting to the south and south-east, in which direc tion it falls into the valley of the Hindmarsh and Currency Creek respectively.

I doubt ef any of 'em has ever left 'thout passin' the name on not knowin' positive, but thess jedgin'. None o' mine ain't, I know, leastwise none of my direc' ancestors they couldn't have, an' me here, an' Sonny. Don't jump, doctor! That's the supper-bell. 'Tis purty loud, but that's on account o' my mother-in-law.

My expectations had doubtless been my own fault; there is no particular reason why Le Mans should fascinate. It stands upon a hill, indeed, a much better hill than the gentle swell of Bourges. This hill, however, is not steep in all direc- tions; from the railway, as I arrived, it was not even perceptible.

Ignorant as we are as to what quarter of the Atlantic we have been carried by the currents, it matters very little to us from what direc- tion the wind may blow if only it would bring, in rain or dew, the moisture of which we are so dreadfully in need.