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I said, for Margaret kept silent. "And de oberseer, he say leastways he swore, he did, dat his will should be what is done on dis plantation, and he wouldn't have no such work. He say, dere's nobody to come togedder after it be dark, if it's two or t'ree, 'cept dey gets his leave, Mass' Ed'ards, he say; and dey won't get it." "But what did he do to Darry?"

"Now, Jake," Peter said, "the more strength you put into that paddle of yourn the sooner you'll have a piece of meat atween your jaws." The negro grinned. "Don't talk ob him, Massa Peter; don't say a word about him until I see him. Fish bery good when dere's noting else to eat, but Jake never want to see him again. He hab eat quite enough for the rest ob his life."

You see de feet an' you see de han's, an' you tink dat dey kin go an' do like oder han's an' feet, but dey doesn't an' dey can't. Dere ain't no backbone runnin' up troo de min' an' wen dere ain't no backbone in de min' de pusson jest flop down yere an' flop down dar whareber dere's a com'fo'ble place to flop.

"I hear plaintee," he said. "Dere's no tam' for monkey roun'." "I tell you he may be honest," she declared. "He may mean to marry me, but I've got to know. That's why I came to you; that's what you must find out for me." "I'm good trader, Necia," said the Canadian, after a moment. "I'll mak' bargain wit' you now.

Uncle Sheba subsided, and she went on, "Dere's my young Missy dat's pendin' on me, but she ain't pendin' in de sense ob hangin' on me," and she paused and looked impressively at Unc. "She's usin' her two little han's jest as hard as she know how, an' a heap too hard. Wat's mo' she's usin' dem to good puppus.

Shoot " Then he stopped stock still, and rolled the whites of his eyes toward the wreck in the middle of the floor the shattered lamps, the broken chandelier with the robber's legs sticking out from under it and finished by saying, "Dere's a muss for de gals to clean up in de mawnin. Why don't you shoot 'em?"

As soon as Missy Roberta see de cap'n wid de light from de open doah shinin' on his face, she comes an' ask, 'What does dis outrage mean? 'It mean dat dis man shell be shot in de mawnin', he say, in a chokin' kind ob voice, fer he seem almost too angry to speak. Den he ask, 'Were you 'tacked also? Yes, she cried, 'dere's a man in my room. 'Which room? An' she pointed to de doah.

"Blank yer impudence," roared Carroll, "to be sittin' there laughin' in me face at the loss av me property. It's no better than a pack of thieves ye are." "Tieves!" answered Perault, in quick anger. "Dere's one beeg, black, hairy tief not far 'way dat's got hees money for dat pony two three tam overe."

You're going out on the old trail again which begins in Third Avenue, and ends in Sing Sing. Why tear yourself away, Spike?" Spike concentrated his gaze on a weedy young emigrant in a blue jersey, who was having his eye examined by the overworked doctor and seemed to be resenting it. "Dere's nuttin' doin' dis side, boss," he said, at length. "I want to git busy."

I shall not use it again because in every town that I shall strike, from this time on, I have an old established customer. I have no use for that argument. Just go and use it. "'You'd better write that down with a pencil, Henry, said the advance agent Stanley was his name. "'No, dere's no use ov writing dot down, said Henry. 'Dot archurnent vas so clear dot I haf it in my headt!