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For a time Mrs. Burke relapsed into silence, while Maxwell smoked his briar pipe as he lay on the grass near by. She realized that the parson had cleverly side-tracked her original subject of conversation, and as she glanced down at him she shook her head with droll deprecation of his guile. When she first accused him of the blues, it was true that Maxwell's look had expressed glum depression.

Calvert: Cousin Billy, this is Mr. Adams, who is responsible in a way for many of my Boston-learned gaucheries." Aunt Martha closed the book on her finger. "My dear Virginia!" she protested in mild deprecation; and Adams laughed and shook hands with the Reverend William Calvert and made Virginia's peace all in the same breath. "Don't apologize for Miss Virginia, Mrs. Carteret.

But they worked like lightning; and in exactly seven minutes the heavy beast was drawn, washed out with snow, roped, and hung to a tree well out of reach of any four-footed forest marauders that might prowl that way before night. Geraldine, smiling her deprecation of their praise, waited with the others until the two guides were ready.

It was about six inches long, and thicker than my thumb, with some indications of dried cartilage at one end of it. "To what known creature does that bone belong?" asked the Professor. I examined it with care and tried to recall some half-forgotten knowledge. "It might be a very thick human collar-bone," I said. My companion waved his hand in contemptuous deprecation.

In some of the old pictures of the Day of Judgment, she is seated by the side of Christ, on an equality with him, and often in an attitude of deprecation, as if adjuring him, to relent: or her eyes are turned on the redeemed souls, and she looks away from the condemned as if unable to endure the sight of their doom.

This Eclectic attitude of the Fathers, and their deprecation of any abstraction or partial statement usurping the place of the truth, explains to some extent their treatment of the theistic argument. In the first place it led them to distrust and reject any argument for the existence of God which proceeded on the basis of reason alone, apart from any content furnished by sensibility.

I appear to have been rather badly stung, and I really don't wonder it hasn't been resold. What do you propose to do about this?" Mr. Lewis made a gesture of deprecation. "There must be some mistake, Mr. Hollister." "No doubt of that," Hollister agreed dryly. "The point is, who shall pay for the mistake?" Mr. Lewis looked out of the window.

The naturally dark tint of his skin was additionally bronzed by the same powdery deposit that gave a polished black surface to his leathern apron: a deposit which habit had probably made a necessary condition of perfect ease, for it was not washed off with punctilious regularity. Goro turned his fat cheek and glassy eye on the frank speaker with a look of deprecation rather than of resentment.

The Kowiensky was alles besetst; the Hotel de Saxe had not even a hope. These efforts were naturally punctuated by visits to the Polish "bar" and café. At these it came as somewhat of a surprise to have tips refused. I paid for my dinner and added the customary ten per cent. The waiter drew himself up and waved his hand in deprecation. "No, no," said he, proudly; "I'm Polish."

Why the Devil, I was going to say, if it had been respectful to their memory couldn't they leave us alone? 'Tut, tut, dear boy, Mr. Jasper remonstrates, in a tone of gentle deprecation. 'Tut, tut? Yes, Jack, it's all very well for YOU. YOU can take it easily. YOUR life is not laid down to scale, and lined and dotted out for you, like a surveyor's plan.