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L'Ambassadeur d'Allemagne qui vient de me quitter m'a demandé si nous ne pouvions pas nous contenter de la promesse que l'Autriche pourrait donner de ne pas porter atteinte

Je desirerois vivement les y trouver; mais en attendant je souhaite avec ardeur avoir ici le plus promptement possible l'homme de loi, ou seulement en etat de donner de bons conseils que je demande. Je renouvelle toutes mes excuses de tant d'importunites."

And Thelma wept as many of her sex weep, without knowing why, save that all suddenly she felt herself most lonely and forlorn like Sainte Beuve's "Colombe gemissante, Qui demande par pitie Sa moitie, Sa moitie loin d'elle absente!" "A wicked will, A woman's will; a cankered grandame's will!" King John. "By Jove!"

"Regardez-moi ca, et ca, et ca, je vous demande!" he had exclaimed, making little dashes at the canvas with his glove, toward mystifying spots, on occasions when the artist was not at hand. The Proberts always fell into French when they spoke on a question of art. "Poor dear papa, he only understands le vieux jeu!"

The next day, February 17, 1881, about ten in the evening, I arrived at the opera, and went behind the scenes to search for Monsieur Morin. "The Prophet" was being played, and the third act had just begun. On the stage the Anabaptists were singing forcibly: "Du sang! que Judas succombe! Du sang! Dansons sur leur tombe! Du sang! Voila l'hécatombe Que Dieu nous demande encor!"

Le laquais trouve un ami de son maitre, qui lui en demande des nouvelles. "Il est a Lyon," dit-il, "et il ne sera de retour que la semaine prochaine." "Mais," continue le questionneur, "que portez-vous la?" "Ce sont quelques provisions qu'il m'a envoye chercher pour son diner."

To-day I dine at Lord Ossory's with Lord Robert and Harry Conway, qui m'avoient demande a diner, but it was by Ossory's desire to his house. I mentioned to Lord Ossory the offer which the Duchess of Bedford had made me of Streatham, and I was much blamed for refusing it. If the offer is made again I shall accept it, and it will serve me for a villa till I have hired another.

"Je demande si je suis en communication avec l'Empereur Napoleon " "Oh," said Napoleon, "that's all right; speak English." "What!" I said in surprise. "You know English? I always thought you couldn't speak a word of it." He was silent for a minute. Then he said: "I picked it up over here. It's all right. Go right ahead."

Madame de MacMahon came up to me, saying: "Madame Waddington, Sa Majeste demande les nouvelles de M. Waddington," upon which His Majesty planted himself directly in front of me, so close that he almost touched me, and asked in a quick, abrupt manner, as if he were firing off a shot: "Ou est votre mari?" "A Berlin, Sire." "Pourquoi a Berlin?" "Comme plenipotentiaire Francais au Congres de Berlin."

Bon jour!" said she, looking round at the silent party, with a half terrified, half astonished countenance. Je vous demande mille pardons Qu'est ce que c'est? I have only been to take a walk dis morning into de village to de milliner's. She has disappointed me of my tings, dat kept me waiting; but I am come back in time for breakfast, I hope?"