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Papa stood in the doorway of his den and called to Mamma in a queer low voice. The letters She went into the dining-room and waited ten minutes twenty. Her mother came to her there. She sat down in her armchair by the window-seat where the old work-basket stood piled with socks ready for darning. She took a sock and drew it over her hand, stretching it to find the worn places.

"That is done, and it looks almost as good as new." Then she took another from the basket, and adjusting the ball inside, began the darning process again, while Neil looked steadily at her.

Haven't we enough to do, darning and mending, and turning our dresses, and making the joint last as long as possible, and keeping the children clean, and doing the washing at home and tea and sugar rising, and my husband grumbling every week when I have to ask him for the house-money. Oh, no more of it! no more of it!

Then the mother resumed her work. What it was I forget; but she was either trimming a silken bonnet for Violet, or darning a pair of stockings for little Peony's short legs. Again, however, and again, and yet other agains, she could not help turning her head to the window to see how the children got on with their snow-image.

When Leon Kantor finally completed his program, they were loath to let him go, crowding down the aisles upon him, applauding up, down, round him, until the great disheveled house was like the roaring of a sea, and he would laugh and throw out his arm in wide-spread helplessness, and always his manager in the background, gesticulating against too much of his precious product for the money, ushers already slamming up chairs, his father's arms out for the Stradivarius, and, deepest in the gloom of the wings, Sarah Kantor, in a rocker especially dragged out for her, and from the depths of the black-silk reticule, darning his socks.

As it was almost empty she bent back to drink, her head thrown back, her lips pouting, her neck on the strain. She laughed at getting none of it, while with the tip of her tongue passing between her small teeth she licked drop by drop the bottom of her glass. She sat down again and took up her work, a white cotton stocking she was darning.

"But you ought to have been in bed at nine o'clock," said Phillida, her hold on the stocking weakening perceptibly under the spell of her mother's irresistible entreaty. "It will take but a minute more if you will let me alone," was all the mother said as Phillida released the work, and the elaborate darning went on.

I don't know even now what Unitarianism is.... What do Unitarians believe in?" "Goodness knows," her mother said. "Nothing that's any good to them, you may be sure." Mary went on darning. The coarse wool of the socks irritated her fingers. It caught in a split nail, setting her teeth on edge. If you went on darning for ever if you went on darning Mamma would be pleased.

I used to help in the house, of course, when I came from work and I was always getting into trouble for reading books, that I borrowed, at odd minutes when aunt thought I ought to be knitting or darning or slaving away somehow at keeping uncomfortable. I used to tell Mary and Mary used to wish that I could come to work where she did.

I want you to assist me with my sewing and darning of which I have a very great deal and help to take care of baby." "Very well, ma'am," said Hetty, "when do you wish me to begin my duties?" "Oh! to-morrow after breakfast will do. It is too late to-night. But before you go, I may as well let you see the little one you are to have charge of. I hear she is awake."