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I could fight that Ralph Darley and half-kill him now. Here, let's go and see how miserable all the men are; it'll do me good."

We've got no business with each other except as I am agent for your rents and mortgages." "You seem to fatten on them, or something," Smith answered insinuatingly. "You lose no flesh with the years, I see." "I've little occasion to worry," Darley Champers replied meaningly.

A gentleman says yes to a great many things without stopping to think: a shabby fellow is known by his caution in answering questions, for fear of, compromising his pocket or himself. Mr. Silas Peckham looked very grave at the request. The dooties of Miss Darley at the Institoot were important, very important.

"But I have," said Ralph firmly, his own cheeks beginning to look hot; "but I don't see that this is a reason why we two should fight." "Then I'll give you another," cried Mark; "because you are a Darley, and I am an Eden, and we cannot meet without drawing swords. Your people were always a set of cut-throats, murderers, robbers, and thieves." "It's a lie," cried Ralph hotly.

'He'll be gone to his aunt's at Haytersbank. I met him at t' top o' t' Brow, with his cousin and Molly Corney. 'He's a deal there, said William. 'Yes, said Hester. 'It's likely; him and his aunt come from Carlisle-way, and must needs cling together in these strange parts. 'I saw him at the burying of yon Darley, said William. 'It were a vast o' people went past th' entry end, said Alice.

"Hold on a minute till I get my cap." Roy was rather surprised that his brother should wish to go. He wondered just how Mr. Tyler would like his bringing him. Then he remembered what the miser had said about Rex reminding him somewhat of Maurice Darley and thought perhaps he might be glad to see him on this account. It was cooler than it had been the previous day.

The present Abbot of Darley was a mixture of the two last-named, and could put on either at will, the man being jovial by nature, and the abbot haughty by training. He had now come to spend a night at Hazelwood on his way from Darley to Leicester; for the Foljambes were lords of Darley Manor, and many of them had been benefactors to the abbey in their time.

Giralda, her grey mare, ascribed in sanguine moments to the strain of the Darley Arabian, and as gentle as she was spirited, was the girl's dearest possession. "I begged him not to take her!" she repeated, almost in tears. "I knew there was danger." "James was wrong to take her up country," Uncle Ulick said sternly. "They've claimed her!" Flavia wailed. "I know they have!

American literature thus illustrated by American artists cannot fail to achieve honor to that country in the old world as well as the new. We believe Mr. Darley, in his line, to be as great as any American artist whose works have fallen under our notice." Chaucer's Monument.

Helen Darley often tried in those days and nights, when she sat by Elsie's bed, to enter into the sick girl's confidence and affections, but there was always something that seemed inexplicable in the changes of mood. So Helen determined to ask old Sophy some questions. "How old is Elsie?" "Eighteen years this las' September." "How long ago did her mother die?" "Eighteen year ago this October."