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Dey cyant play nuffin in de daytime dat I cyant 'prove on in de ebenin';" and his vanity did not lead him much astray. But when with those of his own color, or with the humbler classes, he gave them the musical vernacular of the region rude traditional quicksteps and songs, strung together with such variations of his own as made him the envy and despair of all other fiddlers in the vicinity.

Jefferson, but er isn't there something a little peculiar in the appearance of your horses' er er headgear? Their eyes seem to be exposed more than usual; and look somewhat bare, so to speak. Can it be possible that you have forgotten something?" "Fergot?" queried Jefferson, looking from one animal to the other. "Ah cyant see nothin' I'se done fergot, Miss Ste'son.

Had she felled the woman with a blow the effect could not have been more startling. Instantly the shrieks ceased and releasing her hold Minervy struck an attitude: "No'm, I HASN'T! I cyant think how I could a-been so careless-like, an' knowin' all de endurin' time dat I boun' fer ter be a widder. How could I a-been so light-minded?"

I'm standin' there with a grin on my face when a nigger comes 'round the shed 'n' sees me lookin' at them plows. "'Fine plows, sah, an' vehy cheap, he says. "'Do I look like I needs a plow? I says to him. "'No, sah, says the nigger, lookin' me over. 'I cyant rightly say you favohs plowin', but howkum you ain' tendin' de sale? "'I don't see nothin' over there that suits me, I says.

"I'd like to put him to sleep on the piazza, but I'm afraid I can't," answered Peggy, smiling sadly, for the loss of the Empress had struck deeply. "No, yo' suah cyant do dat," was Mammy's reply. "You'll be bleeged fer ter put him yonder in de paddock." "He will be so lonesome," said Peggy doubtfully. Just then the great wolfhound came bounding up.

Then Br'er Robin and Br'er Partridge and Br'er Possum and Ol' Miss Guinea Hen all scrambled to their places at the table and Li'l' Hannibal tried to find a place to sit at, but there wasn't any for him. "Po' Li'l' Hannibal!" said Br'er Rabbit as he poured the soup. "Doesn't like work! Cyant have no supper!" "Catch him! Catch him!" said Ol' Miss Guinea Hen, but no one did it.

"What did you say to her, baby?" "I didn't say anything, I just acted outrageously." "An' what she been a-sayin' ter yo'?" Peggy only colored. Mammy nodded her bead significantly. "Ain't I know dat! Yo' cyant tell me nothin' 'bout de Stewart blood. No-siree! I know it from Alphy to Omegy; backards an' forrards. Now we-all kin look out fer trouble ahead.

"You cyant cyah off nothin'," she said with a sniff of mock disdain. His eyes snapped. Without a word he seized her, and notwithstanding her resistance he lifted her, and flinging her over his shoulder, as if she had been a sack of corn, stalked up the steps and into the house, where he set her down abashed and vanquished before her astonished young mistress.

The black porter, who was not George, but who had answered to the name a thousand times, smiled a smile like a diamond tiara. "She sure is the prettiest young lady I evah see, sah," said he. "Most ob dese wite ladies look jest alike to me. I cyant tell one ob dere faces from de odders. But dis one my! I won't forget her in a month o' Sundays."

"A raw onion in vinegar," said her mother "It's the only thing that seems to make you want to eat a little. An' reddishes we had some new reddishes fur dinner didn't we, Samanthy?" "Good Lord," snapped Jud "reddishes an' buttermilk no wonder you needed that weight on your stomach it's all that kept you from floatin' in the air. Cyant eat O good Lord!"