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"A raw onion in vinegar," said her mother "It's the only thing that seems to make you want to eat a little. An' reddishes we had some new reddishes fur dinner didn't we, Samanthy?" "Good Lord," snapped Jud "reddishes an' buttermilk no wonder you needed that weight on your stomach it's all that kept you from floatin' in the air. Cyant eat O good Lord!"

Why, if that raft capsized they'd chew us up like reddishes. I'm not going to risk that, my lad. I've got a character to lose, you see. I'm making this raft, and I want it to be a raft as you and the doctor'll be proud on a raft as we can row or sail or go fishing with." "Yes, fishing," said Carey, eagerly. "When am I to have that line and try for something?"

It was probably the most direct reply he had ever made. No one could guess how much it cost him. "Underground," he said. "My signs lies underground, sir. Where the rain-drops 'ides theirselves on getting down and the grubs keeps secret till they feel their wings. Where the potatoes and the reddishes is," he added, touching his cap with a respectful finger.

In the summer we can live on garden truck, an' in the fall there is wild reddishes an' water-cresses an' spatterdock, an' nuts an' pertatoes come in mighty handy fur winter wuck. Why, I was born wuckin' when I was a gal I cooked, washed and done house-work for a family of ten, an' then had time to spin ten hanks o' yarn a day."