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They war dead. Thar shearin's never kem ter much account nuther. 'Twar powerful cur'ous, fust an' last." The woman made a gesture of indifference. "I ain't a-settin' of store by critters when humans is is whar they ain't hearn from." But Ben was susceptible of a "critter" scare.

I had nobody to help me out of the mud nobody to splice my spokes, or assist me any how, and so I larned to do it myself. And now, would you think it, I'm sometimes glad of a little turn-over, or an accident, jest that I may keep my hand in and not forget to be able to help myself or my neighbors." "Well, you're a cur'ous person, and I'd like to hear something more about you.

"You see, March," continued Bounce in a quiet way, thrusting his rugged countenance close to the embers occasionally, and blowing up the spark which he had kindled by means of flint, steel, and tinder "you see, this is a cur'ous wurld; it takes a feelosopher to onderstand it c'rectly, and even he don't make much o't at the best.

Elbridge stopped a minute to think, after Abel had finished. "Who's took care o' them things that was on the hoss?" he said, gravely. "Waäl, Langden, he seemed to kin' o' think I'd ought to have 'em, 'n' the Squire, he didn' seem to have no 'bjection; 'n' so, waäl, I cal'late I sh'll jes' holt on to 'em myself; they a'n't good f'r much, but they're cur'ous t' keep t' look at." Mr.

He laughed and added: "The carcasses is always so chawed up by b'ar and coyote or at least that's what they say done it that you can't sw'ar as to how they did come to die. But I heard one funny thing. It was over at the Pollock boys' camp. Shelby, Wright's straw boss, come ridin' in pretty mad, and made a talk about how it's mighty cur'ous only Wright's cattle is dyin'.

He relented suddenly, and lost all the advantages of his tact and diplomacy. "I likes ye better nor I does Becky Stiles," he said moderately. Then with more fervor, "I likes ye better nor any gal I ever see." The usual long pause ensued. "Ye hev got a mighty cur'ous way o' showin' it," Cynthia replied. "I dunno what ye 're talkin' 'bout, Cynthy."

Cur'ous old box! he added, pointing with his whip a long way off. 'You can just see the roof of it. I looked in the direction he pointed. A rise in the ground hid all but an ancient, high-peaked roof. What was my astonishment to discover in it the roof of my own home! I was certain it could be no other.

"Folks is cur'ous about such things. Just because a man don't git sent up for what he didn't do can't make a hero outen him, as I see. But it's nice of you all to care." He looked at Joyce, sitting opposite with Dalton, he and Lucy having been given the back seat together, and a smile played about his lips and eyes, crinkling the kindly muscles into radiating lines of sunshine.

"They only know of the elephants, and can have no hopes about the other things." "That's true, Judith; still, covetousness is a craving feelin'! They'll say, if the pale-faces have these cur'ous beasts with two tails, who knows but they've got some with three, or for that matter with four!

"I dunno," said the advanced thinker, "ez I be s'prised enny ef Purdee, ez be huntin' up hyar so constant, hev got sorter teched in the head, ter take up sech a cur'ous notion 'bout'n them rocks." He glanced along the slope at the spot, visible now, where Moses flung the stone tables and they broke in twain.