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Updated: August 9, 2024

"It sorter skeered Joe ter be caught way up yere in this kintry, kidnapin' a white gurl. He didn't know whut the hell ter do, till I give him a p'inter." "You were the one who suggested marriage?" "Wal', I sed she cudn't do nuthin' 'gainst him onct he wus married to her. I thought o' thet right away. Yer see this wus how it happened: Kirby sed he'd like fer ter marry her, an' I sez, 'why not then?

"Tommy Higgins," she said, to Anne in an interval of housework, "kem home from Texas pritty much the same, with a face an him as long as yer arm, an' his mouth shut up like an old door. Even himself cudn't open it. He spint money free, an' av coorse that talked for him.

By and by I comes to where the burnous was, and putts it on too, an faix, ye couldn't have towld me from an Arab, for the bare legs an' feet and arms was all right, only just a taste over light in colour, d'ee see? Thinks I to mesilf, Ted, me boy, ye cudn't do better than remain as ye are. Wid a little brown dirt on yer face an' limbs, yer own mother wouldn't know ye.

"Ah, Anna dear," Eliza said, "shure it's yerself that knows how t' make a moi'ty go th' longest distance over dhry throats an' empty stomachs! 'Deed it was a revival an' a faste in wan, an' th' only pity is that poor Henry cudn't enjoy it!"

Lord! I hed ter poke him out; he wus thet skeered he cudn't stand." "Wal, I reckon yer'd a bin too," the boy stuttered angrily. "I ain't never seed no Injuns afore." "An' don't wanter ever see no more, I reckon. Hell! I don't hanker after eny myself. Howsumever, it's whut he seed an' heerd, Cap, thet sounds mighty queer ter me.

An' by the Holy Articles av War, whin they wint aboord they cheered him till they cudn't spake, an' that, mark you, has not come about wid a draf' in the mlm'ry av livin' man! You look to that little orf'cer bhoy. He has bowils. 'Tis not ivry child that wud chuck the Rig'lations to Flanders an' stretch Peg Barney on a wink from a brokin an' dilapidated ould carkiss like mysilf.

It wus so blame dark I cudn't see nuthin', but sumhow I got grip on a hawser, an' hung on till I got back 'nough strength ter clime on board. I knew this wa'n't my ship, so I just lay quiet awhile, figurin' out whar I wus." "Yer English?" "Born in Bristol, sir, but I wus workin' on the Caroline she's a Colony schooner, in the fish trade." "Sailor?" "At sea since I wus twelve.

Yer ain't enlisted yit?" "No; reckon I'll wait till maunin', an' clean up a bit furst. How 'bout sum soap an' water fore I eat? an' yer cudn't loan me a razor, cud ye?" He rubbed his chin reflectively with stubby fingers. "Wal' I got plenty o' water, an' maybe cud scare up sum soap.

Well, she cudn't get a singer, nor she couldn't get a hall, nor she cudn't sell a ticket, till Mrs.

I "dunched" my brother, who lay beside me, with my elbow. "Go an' see if oul Hughie's livin' or dead," I said. "Ye cudn't kill 'im," he said. "How d'ye know?" "I heerd a quare story about 'im last night!" "Where?" "In th' barber's shop." "Is he a feerie?" "No." "What is he?" "Close yer thrap an' lie still!" Somebody opened the door and walked in. I slid into my clothes and climbed down.

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