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I do not believe that in any other part of the world the changes in three hundred years could have been more marked and impressive. "I had never visited Ireland, and as I had a great desire to see that country, I made my way there as soon as possible, and after visiting the most noted spots of the island I settled down to work as a gardener." "Always poor," ejaculated Mrs. Crowder, with a sigh.

Crowder said: "Thee has known a great deal of poverty; in nearly all thy stories thee is a poor man." "There is good reason for that," said Mr. Crowder; "poor people frequently have more adventures, at least more interesting ones, than those who are in easy circumstances.

So Pancha's experience was added to the case against Mayer, and breasting the hills, the young men talked it over, Crowder leaping to quick conclusions, impulsive, imagination running riot, Mark more judicial, confining himself to what facts they had, warning against hasty judgments. The talk finally veered to the Alston's and Mark had a question to ask that he had not liked to put to Fong.

In the midst of this they were all apprehended, and Neeves, with how much truth must be determined at the Last Day, put this unhappy man into his information and gave evidence against him at his trial, when Benson, Gale and this Crowder were indicted for assaulting James Colver on the highway, and taking from him a watch value forty shillings, and five shillings in money.

Eighteen years old and an heiress that's a good beginning." "Um must be a queer feeling. I guess the men are around the honey thick as flies." Crowder screwed up his eyes considering. "No, they're not not yet anyhow. Until this winter the girls lived so retired didn't know many people, kept to themselves.

"You bin away, Mist Bullage," he said, placing the card the young man gave him on the hall table cards were only presented in the case of strangers. "How did you know that?" Mark asked, surprised. Fong's face suggested intense, almost childish amusement. "I dunno I hear some place I forget." "I've been up in Sacramento County with my people maybe Crowder told you."

"What have I to gain by robbing the young lady of her inheritance? I'd be more likely to lose by it than gain." "Lose by it? Why?" "That is my affair," Asgill answered. And he hummed: They tried put the comether on Judy McBain: One, two, three, one, two, three! Cotter and crowder and Paddy O'Hea; For who but she's owner of Ballymacshane?

She dropped her hand to the edge of the dressing table and looked at it. Her face, with the hair strained back, the rouge gone, looked withered and yellow. Crowder eyed it anxiously. "Say, Panchita, you're sick." "Sick? Forget it! I never was better in my life." "Then why are you off your work why do you act as if you didn't care?" "Can't I have a part I hate?

"I should think," I said, "that at any time and in any period you would have been a person of importance, with your experience and knowledge of men." Mr. Crowder shook his head. "No," said he; "not so. To make myself of importance in that time I must have been a soldier, and the profession of arms, you know, is one I have always avoided.

In 1900, a new code of criminal procedure, largely the work of Enoch Herbert Crowder, at that time Military Secretary, was promulgated, which surrounded the accused with practically all the safeguards to which the Anglo-Saxon is accustomed except jury trial, for which the people were unprepared.