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We hoisted a flag, union down, and then we went below to get some breakfast. Mr. Crowder knew all about the ship, and where to find everything. He told me he had made so many voyages that he felt almost as much at home on sea as on land. We made ourselves comfortable all day, and at night we went to our rooms, and I slept fairly well, although there was a very disagreeable slant to my berth.

At this statement Mrs. Crowder and I looked surprised. "I don't wonder you open your eyes," said he. "It must seem odd to you, unless you are very familiar with the history of the period, that we should go from Europe to China in search of enlightenment and civilization; but that is what we did, and we found what we looked for.

Crowder had nothing to say; these bursts of gratitude from his friend made him embarrassed. "Look," she cried suddenly and snatched up the box of roses, "even a Johnny at the stage door. That's going some," and thrusting her hand into the box, she plucked up by their heads a handful of blossoms. Their pure sweet breath flowed out on the coarse scents with which the small place reeked.

The fact that a girl was possessed of such extraordinary swiftness that she would have been able to escape from a wild beast, by means of her speed alone, had she been in an open plain, was considered one of the most interesting natural wonders which had been brought to the notice of the Roman people by the sports in the arena." "Fortunately," said Mrs. Crowder, "thee did not "

"'Twas conspirator very conspirator," assented Old Zeb, screwing up his A string a trifle, and turning con spirito into a dark saying. "What's that?" "Greek for elbow-grease. Phew!" He rubbed his fore-finger round between neck and shirt-collar. "I be vady as the inside of a winder." "Such a man as you be to sweat, crowder!" exclaimed Calvin Oke.

And so family after family have melted into the great mass of human beings, and are as completely lost as though they were water thrown into the sea. "I have always been fond of beautiful women, and as you have met Mrs. Crowder, you know that my disposition has not changed.

"There, now, sir, you have fondled me enough at present, so tell me all about yourself and your doings." "Tell me first, Flo, how it fared with you by the way." "Oh, that is soon told. After you left me I remained with old Mrs Crowder in peaceful serenity until Rooney came back from Quebec, and then I consulted with him as to the possibility of getting down here before the close of winter.

Crowder, "not only in regard to this case, but others, and have formed hundreds of plans for carrying my possessions into another set of social conditions; but the fact of being obliged to change my identity always made it impossible for me to avail myself of the advantages of commercial paper, legal deeds, and all titles to property."

It was not till the afternoon, aimlessly walking to ease her pain, when she saw him again with the blonde-haired girl, that the thought of another woman entered her mind. That night Crowder, after watching the last act from the back of the house, resolved to see her and find out what was wrong. He had been talking to the manager in the foyer and the man's sulky discontent alarmed him.

No other man in her hard and sordid experience had been to her what Charlie Crowder had, never a lover, always a friend. "Now, Pancha," he said pleadingly, "don't look at me like that or I'll burst into sobs." She rose and, putting her hands on his shoulders, kissed him on the forehead with a sexless tenderness. Her eyes were wet and to hide it she turned to where her costume lay on the chair.