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Andy London, who stood at the head of Company F in every battle; Sergt. H. Dedmon, Spencer A. Crowder, Jno. A. Tesseneer, Flay Gantt, Samuel Hasten, Graham Wilson, T. J. Hoard, Sabert Hoard, Joseph Beam, David Peeler and L. A. Bridges. Lieut. V. J. Palmer and Alfred Grigg were always at their posts except while disabled by wounds. Peter Price died last July, James Finch died last year, Lieut.

By Saint Hermangild, the jingling crowder is ever out of the way where there is an apt theme for exalting valour!" "Curtal Priest," said the Captain, "thou hast been at a wet mass this morning, as early as it is. In the name of Saint Nicholas, whom hast thou got here?"

Pancha took up a hand glass and turning her back to him studied her profile in the mirror. It did not occur to Crowder that he never before had seen her do such a thing. "Rich, is she?" she murmured. "How rich?" "Something like four hundred thousand dollars; her father was one of the Virginia City crowd. Chrystie's just come into her part of the roll.

And about incidentally showing you and Crowder up as bribing Genz and promising to protect him making your methods public? Oh, yes. And about the Grand Jury? Yes, Genz told me. And about me and the penitentiary. Yes, he told me. Mr. Knowles is a rather excitable young man. Don't you think so?" "Well?" "Well, what's the trouble?" "Trouble!" I said. "I'd like to know what you're going to do?"

Mayer, always to Ned Murphy, an engaging topic. Crowder went away not much the wiser. Mayer, if a little offish, was as satisfactory a guest as any hotel could ask for paid his bill weekly, always in gold, gave no trouble, and lived pretty quiet and retired, only now and then going to the country on business.

Crowder continued: "I will now go on with my tale of ambition. A grand career would open before me. I would lay all my plans and hopes before the Emperor Otto, who would naturally be inclined to assist the unfortunate widow; but he would be still more willing to do so when I told him of the future which might await her if my plans should be carried out.

Crowder had had a wide experience in exhibitions of human suffering, but he had never seen anything quite like this. Tenderness was not what was needed, and, his eyes stern on her working face, he said with quiet authority: "Pancha, I don't get what this means. Now, like a good girl, tell me. I've got to know." Then and there, without more urging, she told him.

'Shockin' behayviour! 'Aw, very shockin' indeed! was the words I heerd flyin' about, an' 'Who'll make en sensible o't? an' 'We'll give en what-for. 'A silent tongue makes a wise head, said I, an' o' this I call Uncle Issy here to witness." Uncle Issy corroborated. "You was proverbial, crowder, I can duly vow, an' to that effect, unless my mem'ry misgives me."

This bucket was a heavy one with iron hoops, and I had a great deal of trouble sometimes to shield my head from it." "I should think thee would have taken thy death of cold," said Mrs. Crowder, "staying in that cold well the whole afternoon." "No," said her husband, with a smile; "I was not afraid of that.

"So, taking everything into consideration, I gave up my plan to marry this girl of Timnath; and I was afterward very glad I did so, for she proved a tricky creature, and entered into a conspiracy to deceive her husband, actually weeping before him seven days in order to worm out of him the secret of his strength." "I suppose thee never met Delilah?" asked Mrs. Crowder.