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Cops saw you pass, and switchmen at the trolley crossin's. "So we got here just as the taxi was whiskin' his nibs away " "Then he's not in the house?" "I knew he wasn't when I asked," said Scorch, calmly. "He's beat it for Garvan's. That's where we'll go, too." "Oh, Scorch!" cried Jennie. "You're wonderful. How you going to get us out?" "Not by the window, I hope," murmured Nancy.

They waz makin' fer the house when I steps in an' grabs my ol' shot gun. I hollered at 'em not to come a step nigher 'n' I guess they seed it wa'n't safe monkeyin' with me; so they skidaddled." "Which way did they go?" asked Burton. "Off down the road yonder; but I don't know which way they turned at the crossin's, er ef they kept straight on toward Millsville."

Well, sir, I feel like a different man already; and now folks, if you see any more fellers from the Crossin' you'll know who sent 'em that's a sure case. I tell you what the crossin's not the worst place to come to, and if any of yous would happen to come our way don't forget to give us a call." Thus ended Mr.

The good that's into a man keeps a-runnin', to git shut of the sin that's in him, an' theh's a heap of wrestlin' when one an' tother catches holt an' fights." "Hit's seo!" Prebol admitted, reluctantly. He didn't have much use for religious arguments. "I wisht yo'd read them books to me, Parson. I ain't neveh had much eddycation. I'll watch the riveh, an' warn ye, 'gin we make the crossin's."

When you come to any crossin's, don't take 'em, but keep straight on, and bimeby, about to-morrer, if you don't camp too long to-night, you'll see a peak high it is with a yellow mark on it, like a cross. Can't miss it. Right under it's the Croix Mine. You leave the trail to cross a draw, look down, and there you are. So long!"

But Westmoreland, with his jaw set, followed his code and fenced with death for this apparently worthless and forfeited life, using all his skill and finesse to outwit the great Enemy; in spite of which, so attenuated was the man's chance that we were astonished when he turned the corner very, very feebly and we didn't have to place another pine box in the potter's field, alongside other unmarked mounds whose occupants were other unknown men, grim causes of Dead Man's Crossin's sinister name.

Let's see, now, whut was the name of the feller he killed that time out there at Cache Creek Crossin's? I actually disremember. I've heard it a thousand times, too, I reckin, if I've heard it oncet."

Let's see, now, whut was the name of the feller he killed that time out there at Cache Creek Crossin's? I actually disremember. I've heard it a thousand times, too, I reckin, if I've heard it oncet."

"So far no trouble," Drew remarked. "Only I'm lookin' for a trade maybe in town." "Trade? Why ever a trade?" "We got a couple of river crossin's comin' up ahead," the scout explained. "And one of them is a good big stretch of deep water you don't go wadin' across the Tennessee. I don't want to beg for trouble, headin' a stud into somethin' as dangerous as that."

You've druv me out er the streets whar I was makin' an honest livin', by day, on three crossin's!