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"Oh, are you going to shoot?" cried Ruth, as she saw the old hunter prepare to take aim. "Well, that's what I was countin' on, Miss," he replied. "I can't exactly get a 'gator without shootin' him. They won't come when you call 'em, you know. But if it's goin' to distress you, Miss, why of course I can " "Oh, no!" she cried hastily. "Of course I don't want to deprive you of making a living.

Mind you, Brother Poindexter, I ain't got a word to say ag'in religion. I's strong fur it on Sundays, ez you well knows, but dog-gone religion w'en it come interferin' wid a pusson's chanct to pick up a little spare change fur hisse'f on a week-day!" "Spoke lak a true business man, Brother Lovin'," said Jeff. "Still, I reckin you's mebbe countin' the spoilt eggs 'fore they's all laid.

Den he ma she powerful took back dat li'l' black Mose he gwine be so uppetish an' contrydict folks whut know 'rifmeticks an' algebricks an' gin'ral countin' widout fingers, like de school-teacher whut board at Unc' Silas Diggs's house knows, an' she say': "Huh! whut you know 'bout ghosts, anner ways?"

"'HE has, says Tompkins, with a wink, 'but the rest of us ain't. We pledged our votes to Dan Bassett, and we ain't the kind to go back on our word. Dan himself'll vote for Gabe; so'll Gaius and his reg'lar tribe. That'll make twelve, countin' Holway's own. "'Make seventeen, you mean, says I. 'Gaius and his crowd's fifteen and Dan's sixteen and Gabe's seven

"Earn it before you collect it." "Twenty-eight 'd fill a purty fair book, countin' in what I could tell about the men I've had dealin's with," Thorn reflected, as to himself, leaning against the mantel, frowning down at the floor with bent head. "Talk till you're empty, you old fool, and who'll believe you? Huh! you couldn't git yourself hung if you was to try!"

He hadn't no tack, fer one thing. Outside of summin' up figures an' countin' money he had a faculty fer gettin' things t'other-end to that beat all. I'd tell him a thing, an' explain it to him two three times over, an' he'd say 'Yes, yes, an', scat my ! when it came to carryin' on't out, he hadn't sensed it a mite jest got it which-end-t'other. An talk!

"I say another," Wrinkle chuckled. "He got all six at about the same figure. Nobody was biddin' agin 'im except old Welborne, an' he was so mad he couldn't stand still. They say he had been countin' on havin' it all his own way, but Alf come home an' turned his cake to dough. Next come the three road-wagons.

"That's a bargain, mister," said Mr Lathrope; "though I guess you'll gain by the swop." "Sure and it sames to me you're both countin' your chickens afore they're hatched," observed the first-mate with a huge grin at his own joke. "You're not far wrong, Mr McCarthy," said Mr Meldrum.

"The situation does n't seem to worry either of you very much," he said at last. "If you really expect an attack from those fellows over there, is n't it about time we were arranging for some defence?" Hicks looked over at him across the rim of his tin cup. "Defence? Hell! here 's our defence four o' us, countin' Mike." "Where is Mike?"

"We've got to be mighty partic'ler with them hosses an' mules," said the Little Giant, "'cause even ef we should reach the mine without 'em we're bound to hev 'em to pack out the gold fur us. I expect we'll hev to ketch an' train 'bout twenty wild hosses, too, ez we'll need 'em fur all the gold that I'm countin' on findin'. Didn't you say thar was that much, young William?"