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Updated: August 22, 2024

The Winnebagos found themselves seated in a row down the side of one of the long tables, being served by a jolly-looking, muscular-armed councilor, who turned out to be the Camp Director's daughter, and who had her section of the table feeling at home in no time. "Seven of you from one city!" she remarked to the Winnebagos, when she had called the roll of "native heaths," as she put it.

The same evening Mogens went to the station with the councilor who had received a sudden order in reference to an official tour which he was to make. On this account Camilla was to go to her aunt's the next morning and stay there until he returned. When Mogens had seen his future father-in-law off, he went home, thinking of the fact that he now would not see Camilla for several days.

The councilor was a well-preserved man of about fifty, of good height, dressed in a well-made gray traveling suit, with a light gray silk tie adorned with a pin of black pearl. His closely-cut hair was very thin, and had almost disappeared from the top of his head. His chin was clean-shaven, but his well-brushed whiskers and closely-cut mustache showed signs of gray.

How can I possibly treat these poor fellows, who are of some good, at all events, otherwise than as a councilor of parliament?" "Yes, you are right; I do not see five francs difference between them." "You understand; if I have a fine fish, I pay four or five francs for it; if I get a fine fowl, it costs me a franc and a half.

It touched him in what he was most proud of, and what had obtained for him the rank of a privy councilor. And so falls the brilliant fabric erected by Timéa Timéa again! Timar read on hurriedly "Bad company has led the young criminal astray: this is a dangerous temptation in this climate. We had him arrested at once, but none of the stolen money was found in his possession.

"She may be very nice inside after we get to know her. She's probably never been a councilor before, and thinks she must show her authority." "Authority!" cried Gladys. "But we're not babies; we're grown up. I'm afraid she's not going to be a very agreeable proctor." "Oh, well," replied Migwan gently, "let's make the best of her and have a good time anyway. We mustn't let her spoil our fun for us.

Thus guided and free, the instincts of vanity and generosity, the essence of French character, took the ascendant; the councilor or comptroller, the King's agent, regarded himself as a man above the common run, as a noble of the Third-Estate; he thought less of making money than of gaining esteem; his chief desire was to be honored and honorable; "he passed life comfortably and was looked up to,... in the discharge of his duty,... with no other ambition than to transmit to his children.... along with their inheritance an unsullied reputation."

At that time the two famous decrees were being prepared that so agitated society abolishing court ranks and introducing examinations to qualify for the grades of Collegiate Assessor and State Councilor and not merely these but a whole state constitution, intended to change the existing order of government in Russia: legal, administrative, and financial, from the Council of State down to the district tribunals.

Tradition said that this house with the pointed gables was inhabited, in the time of Henry III., by a councilor of state whom Queen Catherine came, some say to visit, and others to strangle. However that may be, the good lady must have stepped with a circumspect foot over the threshold of this building.

"I wait to hear you name her rightly." Rolfe rose from the grass and stood beside me, and Jeremy Sparrow, shouldering aside with scant ceremony Burgess and Councilor, came also. The Governor leaned forward out of his chair, and the crowd became suddenly very still. "I am waiting, my lord," I repeated. In an instant, from what he had been he became the frank and guileless nobleman.

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