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Carteret-Jones was your commandin' officer, an' you had your reputation as a second in command for the first time, I says, well knowin' it was his first command of a flotilla, 'what 'ud you do, Sir? That gouged 'is unprotected ends open clear back to the citadel." "What did he say?" Moorshed jerked over is shoulder. "If you were Mr.

McGillicuddy, "I haven't been a sergeant's wife for twenty years without findin' out that nobody can't say a word about the orficers, but I do think, mum, as three days in the guardhouse for poor Kettle, who was bamboozled by Tim Gully and Mike Halligan, is one of the cruelest things a commandin' orficer ever done.

'E was worth two men at the lee fore brace, an' three at the bunt of a sail; 'E'd a voice you could 'ear to the royal-yards in the teeth of a Cape 'Orn gale; But now 'e's a full-blown lootenant an' wears the twisted braid, Commandin' one of 'is Majesty's ships in the North Atlantic trade." "And what is the ship you're sailin' in?"

All the dogs a barkin', the women servants screeching, the old gentleman commandin', and me colleen huggin' the Angel tight an' saying never a say, though the poor Dago Eyetalian was trembling himself into his grave, till all a sudden like, up flies Glory, heedin' dogs nor no dogs, an' flings herself at Broadacres' feet, demanding her grandpa!

"Now I come to think on it, he's bound for the hill over yonder. Woman named Briones come for him at a double quick. Good lookin' Spanish wench. She took him by the arm commandin' like. 'You come along, she says and picks up his medicine chest. 'Don't stop for yer hat. And he didn't." He winked heavily, chuckling at the reminiscence. "Then it isn't Juana Briones that's ill.

Not as I'd like to go into a pawnshop myself, Martha, as I've always been brought up respectable; but when you send for Mr. Hattenborough to your own ressydence and say quite commandin' like, "'Er Grace 'ud be obleeged if you'd wait upon 'er in Belgrave Square to hinspeck 'er dimonds as I want to raise the wind on 'em," why, that's quite another matter nat'rally.

I thought that one look from a commandin pint would reveal the wanderer to our eyes." "Perhaps he is crouching in among the rocks down there." "Wal, I rayther think he'd manage to git up a leetle further out of the reach of the surf than all that." "He may be farther on." "True; an I dare say he is, too." "There don't seem to be any place below these rocks, where he would be likely to be."

Why, I wouldn't do it for a dollar bill. And as for hangin' 'em, and brilin' 'em on gridirons, etc., why, that is entirely out of the question, or ort to be. And now, it don't seem to me that I ever could make a tree walk off, by lookin' at it, and commandin' it to or call some posys to fall down into my lap, right through, the plasterin'

My commandin' orf'cer save his little soul! cud not see the beauty av of my strategims, an' whin the Ould Rig'mint crossed us, an' that was wanst a week, he'd throt off to Cruik, wid his big blue eyes as round as saucers, an' lay an information against me. I heard thim wanst talkin' through the tent-wall, an' I nearly laughed. "'He runs runs like a hare, sez the little orf'cer bhoy.

And so I left the Tower. It is a solid and commandin edifis, but I deny that it is cheerful. I bid it adoo without a pang. I was droven to my hotel by the most melancholly driver of a four-wheeler that I ever saw. He heaved a deep sigh as I gave him two shillings. "I'll give you six d.'s more," I said, "if it hurts you so."