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"Then she is here," mused Jim. "Part way, anyhow," he rumbled in his harsh voice. "Every day of bother getting rid of her brings up her price." Jim felt the hot blood of rage warm the roots of his hair. The cold-blooded cruelty and calculation of it made him long to get hold of the old codger. Perhaps he would in a moment. "Git me something to eat, Ann, old gal," he said.

"Because," answered Julia, "who wants that old codger here? A pretty figure he’d cut, I think. I should be ashamed of him; and so would you, if you knew anything." "I know he is odd," said Fanny; "but he is my father, and as such I would not be ashamed of him."

"I have good hopes of it. By the way, you may as well give me your name." "I am Grant Thornton, of Colebrook," said our hero. Mr. Reynolds entered the name in a little pocket diary, and left the seat, which Tom Calder immediately took. "Who's that old codger?" he asked. "The gentleman who has just left me is a New York business man." "You got pretty thick with him, eh?" "We talked a little."

Not even Martha knew the extent of what the doctor had told him that day. Only to Mac did he talk freely. "When yo' eyes was put out, ol' codger, you whetted yo' nose," he would say; "and when my muscles lost their engine power I whetted my ol' rusty brain." His children all did well at college. Mary, the older girl, was studying library work; the younger girl had come to no conclusion yet.

That would be quite enough honor for me." "You're on! Say, that blacksmith yarn was a corker. He was a game old codger. That was scrapping; no hall full of tobacco-smoke, no palm-fans, lemonade, peanuts and pop-corn; just right out on the turf, and may the best man win. I know. I went through that. No frame-ups, all square and on the level.

If he is poor, I will manage to take care of him in some way," ended Madge confidently. "You will, eh?" returned Captain Jules gruffly. "It seems to me, my girl, that this is a pretty position you have mapped out for me. I am to take half of our find nice, selfish old codger that I am while you divide yours with your friends.

My friend's name is Ali Seyyid, Lady Fritterly. Lady Fritterly. Pray excuse my stupidity, Mr Allyside, and come and sit near me. Lord Fondleton, find Mrs Gloring a chair. Mrs Gloring. I am sure I don't know. I think Lady Fritterly called him a codger. Lord Fondleton. Ah, he looks like it, and a rum one at that, as our American cousins say. Mrs Gloring. Hush! Mr Germsell is going to begin.

His thoughts, whatever they were, appeared to be pleasant, for as he walked he smiled to himself and softly rubbed his hands together, as one well pleased with the course of events. "The old codger seems mightily pleased over something," mused Frank, "and I'm willing to bet a reasonable amount it isn't over any schemes for the betterment of mankind.

I'd give thee a rope's end for thy supper if it wan't" Dolly had conceived a sneaking kindness for the young lawyer, and thinking him in danger of being roughly handled, flew to his relief. She twisted her hand in Crowe's neckcloth without ceremony, crying, "Sha't then, I tell thee, old codger who kears a vig vor thy voolish tantrums?"

"Take yer sister, little codger," said Sandy, "wrap her up, git in the skiff, an' I'll be with yer as soon as I tie this chuckle-headed idiot fast and tight." Gilbert left the hut with Lillian, while the other boy remained long enough to loosen the rope around his waist, and bind the young ruffian securely. Then he placed him in a corner of the room.