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There was a man who made a dainty fan while you waited; the cook who made a cake while you prayed; the handkerchief man and the sock man; and ah me! the funny old codger, bald of head and shriveled of body, but with a bit of heaven in his weary old eyes. It was the reflection of the baby faces about him.

That was the way he used to talk, an' some used to set him down as a tyrant, an' some had him guessed in as a rough old codger with a soft heart, everybody took a guess at him, but the blood in the turnip was that ol' Jabez Judson was purty tol'able sizey when you carne to fence him in.

If there's going to be a famine, and it looks like it, we need every ounce of grub for ourselves. We only out-fitted for four, not five." "It's all right," Tarwater heard Charles assuring the other. "Don't get excited. The old codger agreed to leave the final decision to you when we caught up with you. All you've got to do is put your foot down and say no."

My grandfather was a Forty-Niner." "Did he get rich?" asked Polly, interestedly. "Not so's you'd notice it. Spent all he had and died trying to get home." "Oh!" "Hard luck, wasn't it? My folks went to Detroit when I was a little codger and they both died there. I was adopted by an uncle an uncle who was the whitest man God ever made," declared Scott, solemnly. "Why was he I mean, how was he?"

After a few moments they departed, Baron Dangloss accompanying them to the gate and assuring them that he and his men always would be at their command. His nation admired the American people, he warmly declared. "That old codger knows our people, and I'll bet a thousand on it," said Harry, angrily, when they had gone some little distance down the street.

He chews tobacco constantly, and untidily, for his gray beard and moustache are stained yellow. He is a widower, with fourteen living children, all married, and is the grandfather of thirty-one living grandchildren, and the great-grandfather of four younglings, all girls. It was like pulling teeth to extract such information. He is a queer old codger, of a low order of intelligence.

Usually he's a graduate of an agricultural school, but we have a few who are descendants of the crew of the first Alexander, and there's one old codger who was actually with him during the conquest. Most of our stationmasters are family men. We feel that a wife and children add to a man's stability and incidentally keep him from fooling around with the Lani."

In regard to the latter, Sam had boastingly explained to his chums, whence it sifted to our friends, that he had gotten the best of Appleby. "The old codger!" Sam exclaimed. "I didn't hurt his land anyhow. It was so all-fired dark that I couldn't see where I was going." "What were you doing over there?" asked one of his few admirers one who hoped for a ride in Sam's auto.

It's a pity Connor's father isn't as dacent as himself. Arrah, Biddy, where does the ould codger keep his money?" "Little of it in the house any way sure, whenever he scrapes a guinea together he's away wid it to the county county och, that countryman that keeps the money for the people." "The treasurer; well, much good may his thrash do him, Biddy, that's the worst I wish him.

"And I don't believe you'd 'a' had much more luck if you'd got away with the old Cap's chest." "I tell you there's a fortune in it!" "You don't know " "And I suppose you do?" snarled Pete. "I know no sane man ain't going to keep a whole mess of jewels and such, what you talk about, right in his house. He'd take 'em to a bank at Amarillo, or somewhere." "Not that old codger.